Tuesday, December 30, 2014

August 2015

As you noticed the date is for 2015 and if you are wondering why, well in August of next year will be exactly 6 Years since I started this blog and exactly 6 years since I felt lead of the Lord to have a blog that is scriptural based.

Some of my material comes from others who write.
Some of my material comes from Pastors.
Some of my material is Just simply from my Heart.

I'm sure what I'm about to share I've shared somewhere along the way over the last 5-1/2 years -- I believe the Lord would have me share this today.

See back when I was oh, 6 or 7 years old I went forward in a Chapel service with probably 30 other children to ask Jesus into my heart. No one talked to me personally, we were talked to as group and then a prayer was said. Now, I very well may have been saved at that time. As I got older I went soul- winning, I worked on a bus route, I was faithful to church (not because my parents made me but because I wanted to go) I was always in Christian School. I even went on a Missions Trip to Mexico where we saw 100's saved as a group of teens. After having gone to Mexico I surrendered to be a Pastor/Missionaries Wife.

I graduated from High School and went off to Bible College where I studied and starting preparing for what the Lord would have me do. Then Summer of 1988 I transferred colleges and it was then I heard Dr Jack Hyles preach on Hell. I sat there in the deaf section of his church listening and finding myself fearing death. That Sunday in May I asked a friend to go forward with me and I know without a doubt that I accepted the Lord as my Saviour that Sunday Morning!

Then in the Spring of 1990 I met the man I was to marry. In August of 91 William P Seavey III an I were married. When we married we were headed to Poland as Missionaries. We had a number of things that happened good and bad but the Lord was always with us. Between 2003 when my husband graduated from College to now we've seen so many answers to prayers, blessings, trials, heartaches, and times when all we could say was, "that was God."

I'll not prolong on the last  20 months, many have no idea what we've been through, but again the Lord has been there even when it seemed he wasn't. May I say, if you've been called or lady if you surrendered to do something for the Lord. Do NOT give up. I have felt like quitting, throwing in the towel, saying no more, since Nov 23, 2014 but I have some very dear friends who have been right there for me, my husband has been right there, God has not left us or forsaken us.

I know this isn't full of scripture, but this is my heart, my testimony that no matter what comes our way we CAN and we SHOULD continue on for the Lord. We are in limbo right now, so to speak, we don't know what the Lord has in store for us. BUT no matter how rough, or how hard the road may be, we have a Pastor and his wife who will be there for us. They are there to help us heal, grow, get back on our feet and Yes get right back out there serving the Lord.

So back to August 2015 - I thank the Lord he's allowed me to author this blog and to share the Bible with you, share my heart with you.

So as you enter 2015 it doesn't matter what your situation know that the Lord is with you and that He'll NEVER leave you nor forsake you.

My prayer is that in 2015 this blog will be a blessing to all who read it.

Monday, December 29, 2014

2014 - What is a blessing you recieved?

Good Morning! What blessing(s) did you receive this year?

I'm going to list a few:

1. Our car accident in Feb wasn't as bad as it could have been. God protected us from serious even long term injuries.

2. We moved into our own place in July!

3. He's provided our needs both physically and financially all year.

4. Gave my husband a job!

God truly is good to us.

"Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find...." Matthew 7:7

Just a few thoughts as we come to end of 2014.....


Sunday, December 28, 2014

Emotional Roller Coaster

Psalms 56:8 - 13
"Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?
When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back: this I know; for God is for me.
In God will I praise his word: in the Lord will I praise his word.
In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.
Thy vows are upon me, O God: I will render praises unto thee.
For thou hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling, that I ma walk before God I the light of the living?"

The main verse here that I've thought about is verse 8 "...put thou my tears into thy bottle...."

As I go through a very emotional time, and mixed emotions on a few things it's a comfort to know that the Lord knows my every tear and what that tear is for. He loves me so much that he keeps them in the bottle. The most amazing thing is that as I go through these things the book of Psalms is full of answers, encouragement and peace! When the Lord put Psalms in the Bible he knew that in 2014 I would need a great part of what is in this book.

As I heard this morning in the sermon, 2015 is a clean slate and we start afresh and no need to look back at past heartaches, hurts, wrong doing, because we have a future. So as I approach 2015 my plan and my goals are to be in the Bible and Prayer More and to serve the Lord.

Just a little of my heart and knowing that in some way this may help another.  The purpose of my blog is to be a blessing or help in anyway that I can.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

What is Your Gravitational Pull?

Funny title right? Especially since I'm NOT a Science person :) :) But from what I do understand Gravitation is what keeps our feet on the ground and it's the pull of the Gravity that helps us stay firm but yet move around with ease. Interesting isn't it? (Now if you are knowledgeable Science person, please forgive me if I miss use a term or something *smiling)

So to my question: What is your gravitational pull? Lets start with a few things: Is it TV, cars, money, Facebook etc.


is it: The Bible, Church, Prayer, Ministry, seeing people saved, helping others, being the best Christian you can be?

Now I realize some of the first you can "maybe" do and still be ok. BUT what is your Main pull??
Matthew 6:19-21  Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
This passage is GREAT if we are always in hurry to do earthly things such as TV, Facebook, our phones what good is that going to do us. Now I realize Facebook and maybe even the phone can be good but not if it takes the First minutes of your day! Or time away from your day that you are suppose to be doing other things such as church, Reading your Bible prayer time just to name a few.
Recently I've had to really guard myself against this, after one goes through a major trial in their life as I learned it's easy to look at the Bible and the computer, then question which one am I going to do first. Should it ever be a question NO. Does it become a choice if I allow it, yes it does. That's why when I sat down this morning I was thinking, "What is my gravitational pull?" What do I really want to do with my life? Do I really want to let the Lord have control of life? Do I really want to serve him to be hurt by those I grow to love and by those who say their behind you and then turn against you?  I must say, "Yes" that is what I want. If you are unsaved you may not understand this, but as teen girl I didn't tell the Lord I would serve him to back out now!
One  of the ways I,we, can serve our Lord is by allowing our Gravitational pull be towards that which will lay treasures where moth not dust doth corrupt and where thieves do not steal. So where is my hearts gravity being pulled to? That which is Christ honoring. This is why you don't always see post from me on my blog. This is why I've started not being on Facebook as much, this is why even though I, my family, are healing from a very hard thing, we are still looking to serve God, to be in HIS will NOT ours. This is why, we, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  II Timothy 2:15
So I ask you one last time, "What is your Gravitational Pull?"
Earthly things?  OR Heavenly Things?
Things that won't matter years down the road? OR Things that are laying up treasures in Heaven?
Things to please self? OR Things that please your Heavenly Father.
Just something for us to think about during this Christmas Season.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Proverbs 18: 24  "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."

"...there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." I believe that God has given me that friend right here in Maine! She is one I've gone to over the past 2-1/2 yrs and she's been there, to listen, to help if she could, she's even told me if I need to scream she would be there, she's shown me that she loves me. Do we always agree, no but then we are all human but she is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

This really is just a thought that's been on my mind today. No long exhortation, no amazing story of how this or that happened, just a thought that has been on mind today. Friends are so important and having a friend who stands with you through the good and the bad is one of the best friends one can have!!

Have a good night, all.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hurting? Heart Broken? Discouraged?

Psalms 91
15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
The passage of scripture that you just read is a passage that a very dear friend recommend I read. I have been through this passage 2 sometimes 3 times a day for the past 10 days and plan to cont reading daily for the rest of December.
The reason is if you are facing, in or coming out of a trial this passage is beyond amazing, it's beyond helpful, it's just PERFECT!
If you read through it and really read it not just skim it or read it like a speed reader, but really sit down asking the Lord to show you something, reading it. You will see so much in how no matter what the attack, no matter what the situation, God is ALWAYS there for you! He's your refuge, he gives the angels charge over you, he sets his love upon you, He'll deliver you from trouble. Plus so much more!!
Friend in my last blog post I said I wasn't posting because I couldn't be an encouragement. Well, let me encourage you now....
1. If people turn against you, which they will. God WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU!
2. If people spread false accusation against you, which they sometimes do. GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART AND HE KNOWS YOU!!!
3. If people break your heart, and they will. GOD IS THERE TO MEND IT!
4. If people are human like we are and do that which is hurtful, painful, sometimes destroying or placing a stumbling block in front you. GOD WILL CARRY YOU THROUGH WHATEVER HE HAS BROUGHT YOU THROUGH!!!
So friend, I'm writing this even though I'm sitting here with a broken heart and hurting I have read this passage often in the last 10 days and yes I'm not healed yet but I know the Lord is healing me through his word and through friends who care and love us.
If you are going through anything and would like me to pray for you don't hesitate to comment and I WILL pray for you!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

I've not been posting....

Friend if you follow my blog and your wondering why I've not been blogging... the answer is this:

Right now I'm unable to be an encouragement, I feel, so it's best that I'm not posting. Our family is going through some things and I don't want to discourage others by posting a "pity party" here.  I have been praying about this blog and I pray that what is on here you will glen from.

My goal on both my blogs is to be a blessing and if I can't do that, I won't blog. So I hope you understand. May God bless you and your families during the Christmas season!

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Friend, are you and your family struggling? Is it financially? Is it health? Is it personal? Is it spiritual?

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy paths

This is my ONLY thought for the day.  

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Psalms 150
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
I love music! I'm sure many of you do also! As I've studied and listened, heard preaching and teachings on music I've learned that there's music that is healthy and unhealthy for us. I won't name any groups because I can say, I've never listened to heavy metal, hard rock, rock in roll. I had to ask about a few of these to make sure it was a such thing. Now I did growing up listen to country but that was before learning that even that is wrong and vile.
As I read Ps 150 which, as I've said many times, this is a favorite passage. I guess really I should just say the whole Bible is my favorite *smiling As I read it here is what I found in my studies:
The instruments that are talked about in the Bible and how their music is wonderful
1. Coronet Ps 98:6
2. Symbols II Samuel 6:5
3. Timberal Exodus 15:20
4. Dulcimer Daniel 3:10
5. Flute Daniel 3:10
6. Harp Genesis 4:21
7. Organ Genesis 1:21, Job 21:12,
As we listen to music it can strength us or it can destroy us. As I said earlier I love music and all of my music is Christ honoring, it's not this so called Christian Rock, because the 2 don't go together, it's not contempary it's the good old fundamental Christ honoring music. The music we listen to speaks to the heart not to the body.
If you need to know where to get good Christian music just ask, I'll be more than happy to tell you where you can it good Godly music!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Life isn't Fair!

How many times do we say that, or do we hear our children say, "Life isn't Fair!" Well, honey, it isn't.

I know we, as humans, thinking life should be fair no matter what. After all we're saved, we serve God, we tithe, we give to Missions, some even put their children in Christian school or home school. So why isn't life fair? I remember my kids saying that to me, I would laugh and say, _______, you know, it's not, but we still have to go on with living and not worry about what isn't fair.

Let me ask you, Is it fair that you have to struggle daily with ____________________ (you fill in the blank)? No it may not be right but we all have things in life that us IS NOT FAIR!

Let's look at Hebrews chapter 2:13 "And again, I will put my trust in him. And again, Behold I and the children which God hath given me."

What are some things we can do when Life doesn't seem fair?

1. Trust God - Pray Get alone with God in your prayer closet.  Pray without ceasing!
2. Don't Quit! What more would make Satan happy than to see a Christian Quit! Don't give him that satisfaction.
3. Go Forth! Go forth and do what? Share your blessing, share the things that are the Bright side of life.
4. Do something for others! I recently started something  a former Pastors wife did. That is doing something for ladies in my church. Why do I do this? 1. to show them that I love them and care. 2. to encourage them. After all it's better to give than to receive.
5. Point people back to God. You say, but I'm shy, or don't do well talking to people.... Can you say, "I can Do All things through Christ?!" You can point a soul to Christ. Invite them to Church, to a special Sunday, invite them over and share Christ with them.

As I was going through some notes I found I came across these points. I don't know who preached this or if it was from a Bible class, or taught in a Sunday School class, but you know what as I read the scripture and as I looked at the points it's true we don't have to view life as unfair.

So friend what can YOU do today that will make your life seem "more" fair.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Praise the Lord

Psalm 148
After reading this passage, don't you think that the Lord wants us to Praise Him?! We're to praise Him from the heavens, in the heights, his angels are to Praise Him, the sun, moon and stars. Then, we're created of Him we are to praise Him.
Are you praising the Lord today? What can we praise the Lord?
Place to live
the air we breath
the ground we walk up
So many things this is just a pinch of what we can Praise the Lord for.
Do you Journal? If not, why don't you begin if you do add this to it. Write down your Praises, if it weren't for our Heavenly Father we wouldn't have much even think of giving Praise for.
This can even go in other directions:
Parents, do you praise your children for good work?
Wives, do you praise your husband for what he does for you and your family?
Husbands, do you praise your wife?
As Christians we have so much to give Praise for but yet we sit back and grip and complain instead. Stop Read Ps. 148 and then tell me you have nothing to Praise the Lord or anyone for.
I Praise the Lord for the man he gave me of 23 yrs and the wonderful children he's allowed me have. What are going to Praise the Lord for?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

You Are somebody Special!

As I've observed, watched, listened, and tried to help where I could, I've noticed people don't think highly of themselves. Self esteem is low, people think they are nobody, that they aren't good enough. After several days of thinking about this and watching and listening why is it that we are beginning to think we are nobodies?

Part of it is the world, it has lead us to believe that if we're not a beauty queen, or some famous athlete that we're nobody. Now I don't think I'm the perfect person, but I know I'm somebody that is loved, cared for, appreciated and most importantly that the Lord knows my name and I'm somebody to Him!

I believe that I've shared this passage before, but I believe the Lord would have me share it again. After all, All scripture is inspired of God. We are somebody!

Psalms 139:14   "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."

"...I am fearfully and wonderfully made...." what does this mean? It means when the Lord created you in your mothers womb you were made for a purpose, you made without fear and wonderfully made. God created you for a reason so why do we allow people, the world to lead us to believe that we are nobody's?

Friend, I know there are things and people who are out there to hurt us to try and destroy us, but friend if we die to self daily and if we simply depend on the Lord we will make it! I know many people who through their smiles, their way of cheering people up, their way of comforting are SOMEBODY! They, YOU,  have the ability to help.

So it doesn't matter who you are, friend You are Some body!! You are here on earth for a reason and you are meant to be an inspiration to others. Remember Psalms 139:14 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Wife after God's Own Heart Lesson 5

Good evening, sorry there was a delay in the next post on this series - If I may add we've had some family matters that took priority over my blog. I missed not being able to post, I'm happy to be back though :)

The topic this evening is one that I believe ever couple can work on and that's communication.
How well do you communicate with your spouse?
Proverbs 25:11 "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."
Do you speak right and communicate clearly with your husband, wife?

We need to be open in our communications with each other. I recently spoke with someone whom and one of the things I mentioned to this person is that I'd rather be talked to  rather than shut out. People handle things differently, but the one thing that should never be done is stopping communication.  See communication is vital to all relationships but especially your marriage. I love the way my husband explained it. It's like a game - I toss you the ball which the opening of a conversation, when you toss the ball back you are answering or responding to the person. I know this may seem like a childish illustration, but many adults don't understand the full concept of communication.

When discussing a matter, remember to use words that are fitly spoken, because then you will have a calm and peaceful conversation with your spouse, friend, sibling, boss or whomever you may be talking with.

"Make it your goal to employ that sweet speech that marks you as a wife after God's own heart."
Read - Prov 19:13; 21:9, 19; and 27:15.

You know God's way of communication is the best way! Here's a few things we can all learn:
1. learn to say nothing - when emotions come into play, Pray don't speak
2. learn to wait - If you or your spouse are tired and the topic of discussion is of great importance, wait till both are rested and clear minded
3. learn to make a list - If there are several things at hand that need to be talked about, write them down in order of importance.
4. learn to make appointments - you say appointments with my spouse?! Yes, we, my husband and I, have weekly dates now for us they can be any day of the week lunch or dinner. Since Bill, is a Pastor we work around that, but we rarely allow ANYTHING to interrupt that "appointment".
5. learn to take the blame - Now this is a hard one! Ladies, as much as we hate to admit it we're NOT always right. If something happens an we are to blame, accept the blame. I'll be the first to admit I have a hard time with that. I know I'm not always right, but I hate to be at fault. So I, as well as others need to learn to take the blame.

So ladies when you talk to your husband be sure to speak words that fit to be spoken. As the children's song goes, Oh be careful little tongue what you say, oh be careful little tongue what you say, for the Father up above is looking down in love, oh be careful little tongue what you say.

The tongue can be very powerful, how are you using it in your communications.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Wife after God's Own Heart Lesson 4b

Before I start this lesson, I want to say part of being a wife after God's own heart is being open to His teaching, to his love and his training for you. God is a God knowledge, strength, love, encouragement and he's always there NO matter what!   (that was just a free tip :) )

Now on to the lesson. Following God's Plan.....

Who do you follow? God or Man? As Christian wives we need to Follow God and His plan. Here is something that Mrs. E George put in her book and I really like it....

Warm up his life with your love
Improve  his life as a helper
Follow his leadership with a willing heart
Esteem him highly with utmost respect

By following God's Plan we will follow this simple formula.

What if...." Sometimes there's that question of the Christian wife, what if my husband isn't saved? What if he asked things of me that aren't Biblical? It's really a matter of following what God has told us to do:

To Love Him
To Follow Him
To be His Help meet

IF you are married to an unsaved man, pray for him, love him, follow him and be the helpmeet God created you to be.

Ladies, we are the Holy Spirit of the home. As we set the mode of our home. Decide today that you are going to Follow God's Plan, make a difference in your home, your marriage, improve the atmosphere of your home.

Ecclesiastes 4:9 "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour."

Monday, September 15, 2014

A Wife after God's Own Heart Lesson 4a

"Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labour." Ecclesiastes 4:9

As I read this verse I was thinking when God set designed marriage he designed it for 2 but not 2 as today's world has defined marriage. I praise God I brought up in church, in the Bible, taught how to pray, work and do right. I also praise God that I was raised by a Dad AND a MOM not 2 dads or 2 moms. Now I realize that some children have 2 dads or moms because of the big ugly word Divorce. As far as a wife after God's own heart - ma'am you can't be the wife of another woman, or a man "playing" the wife's role. Doesn't work that way! So now to our verse "Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labour."

1. God's Winning Combination -
a. The husband is to lead wife - not only as the man of the home, but the spiritual leader also. Ephesians 5:22 & 24
b. The husband is to work and provide for his wife - Ladies, if you aren't married yet or are engaged make sure your man is a hard worker and will provide for you and future children. Genesis 3:17 & 19
c. The husband is to love his wife - I've heard of marriages where the husband at first didn't love his wife and he just wanted someone to provide his needs, cook his food, clean his house. Now in some cases, very rare I might say, this might work to start. Love is very crucial in a marriage. I'm no marriage expert and trust me I don't claim to be, I do know without love your relationship can't grow as it should, the same as without Christ your home won't be what it should be either. I Peter 3:7

d. The wife is to help her husband - Ladies don't expect your husband to do everything. Be what God intended and that his to be his Help Meet. Genesis 2:20
e. The wife is to submit to her husband - Ladies with the ERA and other things that say we are equal to men this point has become harder and harder. As a Pastors wife, teacher, mom, housewife, key shopper of the home I know it's not always easy to submit. May I say, if you submit to your husband as the Bible says we are to do, you marriage will be smoother, happier and better for it. Do I always do this, I do my best to submit to my husband though with a smile and Lord willing, a willing heart with that smile. Ephesians 5:33
f. The wife is to Love her husband - Love Your husband! God tells us to love him and we should no matter what! Titus 2:4

Ladies, some of what I'll share is common sense information but you know sometimes we need that reminder because we get so busy. My prayer is that somehow, somewhere, that someone will glean from these and that you as a young girl, who dreams of being married, an engaged lady, who can't wait for the big day, and a Married lady, who is enjoying married life, can better your marriage through these lessons.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Wife after God's Own Heart Lesson 3

Little things that make a BIG difference in any relationship. What little things can you think of that would make a big difference in your marriage? Just everyday things I think of communication, honesty, praying together, studying the Bible together to just name a few things off the top of my head. 

In Ms. Georges' book she list 6 things 3 of which I'm going to focus on, which are the 3 I believe to be the most important Little thing that will make a Big difference in your marriage.

1. Reading your Bible Daily - the scripture tells us to meditate day and night on God's word. The way we can do this is by studying God's Word daily. You may say but I struggle with those Bible reading charts. That is ok I'm going to give 3 of several ways I've studied and do study my Bible.

1. Reading Chart - Reading So many chapters every morning in the Old Testament and in the evening a chapter or 2 out of the New testament. (This seems to be the more "traditional" way of reading through the Bible)

2. Is a Daily Devotional - Using something such as "My Daily Bread" or I have a book that was given to me that I absolutely LOVE and that is, "A Heart Devoted" then with that I read a Proverbs a day, along with Psalms and Acts.

3. Is doing word studies - These are fun and enjoyable they also can take you several weeks sometimes several months.

As we all know, everyone learns, studies, grows at different rates/speeds. I believe as long as you are studying your Bible, reading it daily you will grow it matters not how you do it, as long as you READ your Bible.

2. Pray Faithfully for your husband - In the book "A wife after God's Own Heart" she says, pray 3 times a day for your husband. The 3 times she suggest is before he wakes up, at lunch and before he comes in from work. Now with me I'd have to be up 3 AM to pray for my husband before he woke up. I will admit I'm not a morning person. Although I believe if I determined to my heart to do this I could. But I do pray faithfully for him. Not necessarily at the times she suggest. You as an individual choose a time and decided these 3 times each day I'm going to pray for my husband.

This next one to me should never have to be decided on but it is important.

3. Plan to go to church together - I don't mean in the same car necessarily but go to church as Husband and wife. Now for us this has been a way of life from day one of our marriage! We got married Aug 24, 1991 and on Aug 25th on our Honeymoon we, Bill and Paula Seavey III were in church. Am I bragging? No It's fact we have gone to church from the beginning and we didn't once say we might go or lets plan to go this week.

Now, if you have just recently accepted Christ and you aren't in the routine of going to church. Then YES PLAN to be in church. However in that Plan decided immediately that NOTHING and I mean NOTHING will change that plan short of death.

You may say, Paula, I'm saved but my husband isn't. Ma'am let me suggest that you start by inviting him to Sunday School, it's generally only an hr. long and not a lot of people and then after Sunday School ask him to please stay for the service. If he won't don't push it but let him know you really want to stay. Pray about your spouse getting into church, getting saved and wanting to be there.

Now the next 3 points are good but I'm not going to expound on them but for different people these could be Big to their marriage.

4. Sign up for a Bible Class - If your church offers Sunday or Wednesday Night classes take them and learn.

5. Purchase or borrow Christian books - do be careful of the Authors and scripture

6. Write a letter of commitment to God - This particular point I've thought over, once you are saved the Lord knows your commitment to Him. If it will help you as an individual to write out your commitment to God then by all means do it.

*In point five I mentioned scripture - The book I've referred to a few times is not all KJV but any scripture I put on my blog from her book has been changed to the King James Bible. I believe there are wonderful books out there but you do Have to be careful that your reading God's Word when scripture is referred to.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Church or Not?

I recently and many times as a matter of fact have heard and been asked, "Oh, it won't it hurt to miss church just 1 time will it?" The answer is Yes. Now I understand that if you're sick or as a parent you have a sick one you must miss. I even understand weather can play a part sometimes. What I don't understand is missing church because, I don't feel like going, or my big toe hurts so I'm staying home..... get the idea some reason aren't worth even considering.....

The Bible says, "not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together", found in Hebrews. What does that mean, it simply means we are to have a time that we are together to hear preaching, to sing praises to the Lord, to fellowship with other Christians.

I had a former Pastor that said, "It takes 3 to thrive!" What did he mean? We need Sunday Morning, Sunday Night and Wednesday Night! Church is a like a Hospital, we have church so that we can grow, get milk, get the meat of the word. We also go to get strength, to make it another week. The signing, the fellowship and the Preaching are all important for each Christian.

If this offends you, I do not apologize I've seen to many say it's just one service, which then turned into 2, then 3, then that turned into 5 and that into 10 and before you know it the person is completely out of church.

Do I know of anyone doing this? No not right off, but I know of someone very near to me who saying I'd rather do this than go to another Preaching service that's NOT on Sunday. This person not to long ago got upset because a Sunday service had to be missed for reasons out of anyone's control. What's happened? Not sure but if you allow Satan to get his big toe in and if you allow the worlds "interesting" things to pull you away from God and those you love, before long this is what starts to happen; and that that's asking Church or ___________ you feel in the blank.

This is something that's been heavy on my heart for some time and I believe it was meant for me to share now.
Don't let "things" keep you from serving God, Going to Church, Growing in the Lord, Having fellowship with those who Love the Lord, BUT Also beware of wolves in sheep clothing.

Friday, September 5, 2014

A Wife after God's Own Heart Lesson 2

How's Your Heart?
Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

We as Christians are NOT to conform to this world, but yet that is exactly what we are doing through our music, dress, talk etc. You say How is that? Our music by allowing CMC (contemporary Music), our dress by saying to reach these people I need to dress like them. No that isn't the case. Our talk, we use words that "technically" aren't curse words but one little slip of the tongue and you're cursing.

So I ask How's Your Heart?
Are you seeking all that Lord teaches?
Are you backslidden in an area?
We're not perfect by no means but we can do all that we can to be in the Bible and following after God's heart.

1. Deciding to Grow - Have you decided that you want to grow and be closer to the Lord on Sept 5, 2015 than you are today Sept 5, 2014? What can you do to be closer to the Lord in year?
a. Read your Bible daily - Not just 5 verses or a chapter here or there but really reading your Bible and studying and becoming more Christ like.
b. Praying daily - We're told to Pray without ceasing. Do we really do this?
You need to decided as a Christian wife that you WANT to Grow.

2. Tending your Growth - How can you do this?
a. Through Spiritual growth - make sure your seeing results through discipline. Be in Church, go soul-winning, be in the church activities, conferences etc.
b. Through Spiritual growth through self-denial. What is it in your life that you need to give up? Is it that tv program, or a magazine, maybe a book, music there are so many things one can deny themselves that is a hindrance to Spiritual growth.

I Peter 3:4 "But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." I love this verse for many reasons, one is that I have a book "Meek and Quiet Spirit" Written by a very godly lady - Mrs Cindy Hyles Schaap. I learned a lot from her book as young person as well as an adult. Another reason is We are to not have a corruptible heart. It's a reminder that we need to stay in the Bible and stay close to God as well as have a meek spirit, a quiet spirit.

3. Reaping God's Blessings - Do you as a wife who's wanting to be closer to the Lord want to benefit from his Blessings?
Galations 5:22 & 23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, faith,
Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."
Isn't it these things that we want as Christian wives? How do you behave? What do your children, friends, church family and husband see in your behavior? Do they see one out of control? unable to manage the daily things of life? Your life will be changed if you follow Galations 5:22 & 23.

How is your Heart?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A Wife after God's Own Heart Lesson 1

I recently started reading a book titled, "A Wife after God's Own Heart". As I started reading it, at first I'm thinking I do this, or that I don't need this book. Then I kept reading (because that's how I am) and I discovered there are things I can learn from this book. So I thought I'd share a little with you. I'm actually going to break this up into several days. (I will give credit to the author when I use her material.)

Do you want to become a Wife after God's own heart?
Friends, as I started reading this book, at first I was doing it for new material to read. I don't really think I was even reading it to learn. However, the Lord quickly changed my attitude about this book and began to show me things that as a wife I could change.

First we're going to look at Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be add unto you."

Ladies, married or unmarried, you can apply this verse to your life and use now in your marriage or when you get married. Let me add a side note here, marriage is a Man & a Woman! That is the way God intended it and that's the way it should be!

So, You notice that my blog is titled "Growinginjesusthroughhisword" Friends the purpose is because we all need to continually be growing in the Lord, it doesn't matter how young or old. We are NEVER to old to learn. As I have prepared for teaching my children, as I prepare my lesson for our Ladies Conference, as I work on this blog I'm learning. Yes, I'm in my 40's but I'm not to old to learn and neither are you.

In Ms. George's book she speaks of First things First. Well, she is right we need to have God first in our daily walk with God. Some of the things we can do as we grow in the Lord is to Discover, Discern and Do. These 3 things is what she mentions on pg 16 & 17 of her book.

Discover - what can you discover in the Bible? We can discover the Love of God, The Caring God, the Providing God, the God who has taken the time to show us through his word all the wonderful things there are to discover about him. Have a time in your day that you sit down and study your Bible, and discover the wonderful truths that He has given us.

Then we can Discern - When I first read her book and I saw Discern.... I'm thinking what in the Bible do I need to discern?! Then I realized what she was saying, was what we are to do. By discerning as we read we are allowing ourselves to understand what God has for us. Pray before you read your Bible that the Holy Spirit will help you to understand his word and to grow in Him.

Last is Do - Well this sounds easy enough DO! Do Right, Do what your told, Do your work, Do your lessons in school, Do your house cleaning.... My friend it's easier said than done! How often do you know you're suppose to DO this or that but yet you don't? God has a plan for your life what are doing with that Plan?

Teen - are you soul winning as you know you should do?
Young Adult - are you staying pure till your wedding day as you know you should do?
Married person - Do you honor your spouse?

As I start this study not only for myself but for whomever will follow with me, DO we REALLY want to Grow in the Lord and be "A wife after God's Own Heart?"


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Women after God's Own Heart

Who are some Women in your life that you can think of that are Christ like, they follow after God's heart and his desires?

As I thought through the women in my life, there's my Mom, Jane Nofsinger, some very dear ladies Mrs. Cathy Weaver, Mrs. Carolynn Hawkins, Mrs. Myra, Mrs. Herchenhahn, Mrs. B. Hyles, Mrs Wanda Cape and so many more!!

Why are  these ladies who are following after God's Own Heart?
1. They have accepted Christ as their Saviour.
2. They are prayer warriors and they stay in their Bible.
3. They stand by their spouses and serve with him wherever the Lord may lead.

Are you someone that young girls, other ladies would look to you as a woman who is after God's Own Heart?

1 Corinthians 10:31           
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
Colossians 3:17           
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Colossians 3:23           
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Whatsoever ye do.... as a woman who wants to be Christ like would want to follow these 3 verses. Since the phrase "whatsoever ye do" is repeated 3 times. I believe that God wanted us to follow after his Heart in WHATSOEVER ye do!

Monday, August 25, 2014

My Child

"Train up a Child in the way he should go...."
My Child
I carried you for 9 months
I entered the jaws of death to bring you into
this world,
I grew to love you before I knew you.
My Child
I cheered for you when you crawled, stood,
took your first step,
I cheered for you when you said Dada and momma
My Child
You brought many smiles to our lips
You even brought a few tears to our eyes
My Child
You went to school, my how you learned
Made new friends began to become
My Child
You entered your teenage years
We knew it was time to spread your wings
My Child
You were trained to follow God
Will You?
My Child.
By Paula Seavey
August 26, 2014
Over some events of the past several months this has been some of my thoughts.... I believe in God and the Bible and I believe that a child brought up right will serve God. May I challenge you as a Parent PRAY FOR YOUR CHILDREN NONE STOP! If you are a child, may I  challenge you, OBEY YOUR PARENTS no matter what you think is right or not.
Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it! 

Monday, August 4, 2014


OH NO it's a skunk! A skunk what's the big deal?
Watch out! OH NO! HELP!!!
OH you were sprayed!!! Hey, it's not that bad come on join me!
Oh man you stink!!! OH, it's ok you'll get used to it. It's really not that bad....
Don't come near me!! Oh are you a coward? Come on lets dabble a little.....

Have you ever stopped to think about what Sin does to you? It can make you stink, make it where no one wants to be around you, or talk to you. Sin can be similar to a skunk.

Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus. If you have the mind of Christ, you are guaranteed there won't be any or very little stinking thinking!  Did you know when you sin, by lying you are having stinky thoughts. Reason being, one lie requires another lie which in turn requires another lie and before you know it, you don't know if you're lying or telling the truth.

What sin in your life is making you stink? Making it where people don't want to be around you?  Friend if you don't apply Philippians 4:8 to your life and think on things that are pure, just, lovely, honest, true, of good report then you won't have the mind of Christ as you should.

So when that ole skunk turns to spray RUN as fast as you can cause Satan is out to make you unpleasant.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

What do you think on?

Today was our Teen's activity and after lots of fun on the water and attempting not to fall out of canoes or was that attempting to tip them?! LOL We all met over at one of church members home where we roasted Hot Dogs and made smores! Then just before the teens began to leave Bro Cheyenne one of the men in our church said, "I have a question for you... What do you think on?"
Then he called on Samuel - he replied "Soul -Winning", then Mrs Elliot - replied "Thankfulness". I replied - Prayer, Dawn - Praising the Lord, Aliah said, "Learning Wisdom" Jason - Reading the Bible. Then he turned to Pastor Seavey and said what is the GREATEST thing we should think on? Preacher replied "Thinking the same as Christ" Whatsoever things are pure, just, right.....

Friends, not just our teens need to be reminded to think on right, honest, pure, just things but we ALL should. That which we think on eventually comes out in our words and actions because that which is on the heart will come out.

Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

What can you think on that is true? honest? just? pure? lovely? good reports?
Friend so many times it's easier to just say whatever come to our mind rather than applying Philippians 4:8 but as Christian if we are going to think like Christ, if we are going to be Christ like, if we are going to do as scriptures teach shouldn't we think on the right things?!

Most of this lesson was formed from what teens said, when asked "What do you think on?" What if they had of given us the answers of what they thought on yesterday? Or the answers of what they were actually thinking at that very moment? What would we have learned?

I believe we learned from our teens today that even in todays world the young people do learn even when they appear to NOT be listening. They do hear even when we think they are off in never, never land. May I say, "PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR TEENS!"

No matter what they are going through if you as Dad, Mom, teacher, Pastor, Youth Pastor, Friend give up on one because he/she is struggling who will be there to pick them up when they feel even God doesn't care. Yes we know God cares more than any of us, but when one is struggling he/she doesn't always remember that.

So no matter your age - "Finally Brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, THINK on these things."

May I challenge you to study Proverbs this month. Who knows I may post a few questions here to see who really accepted the challenge and really tried to learn to change their way of THINKING.


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Make your request known unto God

Philippians 4:6 "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God."

Make your request known unto God! You say, but he knows all why do I need to make my request known? We need to pray and ask for forgiveness, we need to pray and give thanks, we need to pray for others, we need to obey the word of God and pray without ceasing. That is why we make our request known unto God.

As you know I've not been on much this month, we were to move in June then it was delayed to the middle of the June then the end and Finally the weekend of the 4th of July we were able to move. Sometimes I wonder if we were suppose to even wait longer..... You may ask why, wait longer? I know all things happen for a reason, but for those who didn't know the last day we were moving things out, I fell and injured my foot to the point that I'm still not unpacked and settled completely into our new home. Then again I see it as we asked for 2 yrs for the Lord to supply a home for us and he did. Our church family have been such a blessing in so many areas. Which they may not of been able to be the blessing they were if hadn't of moved.  Then this week found out a few things that has made us ask did we "push" God into giving us a home? We know that God gives us the desires of our heart. We are very thankful for what he's provided for us we've made our new request made knows to God. We, the Seavey Family, will just have to wait and see what God has in store, he provided the home, He'll provided all the needs that come with a home.

Our church had some huge blessing that we prayed fervently for this month. First being VBS! We prayed for a good group to attend and the Lord gave us 51 on different nights!! Not only that but there was 8 precious young people accept Christ as their Saviour! Then to top it off he provided the finances for everything that is needed for running a VBS. Then this past Sunday 3, yes I said 3 of the young people who were saved at VBS came to church and we were able to hold a Jr Church last week!! Now I say we serve a God who no matter what the personal trials are the blessings of serving him are far GREATER! So when the verse says, "...in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known...."  Through Prayer, supplication and thanksgiving we made our request known and God answered! 

So friend be careful for nothing BUT Pray no matter what! I'll not go into all that has happened this month just because some isn't for me share publicly. However, When God opens a door, step through. If he closes the door don't question it just cont. to pray and wait on him. As humans we tend to question things, and may I say I'm guilty of that, however we just need to all remember God is in control and he knows our tomorrows !

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


O rejoice in the Lord he makes no mistakes, he knoweth the end of each path that I take, for when I am tried and purified, I shall come forth as gold!

Oh how this song has been so true for the month of July while I've not been able to share blessings, truths, fun and sad things with you. Our church and our family has been through some things this month but we rejoice in the Lord that we are still here to serve Him.

May God bless you all and I'll be posting more now that we have internet at our new home :) I just may share a few pictures.

Have a great evening all!

Monday, July 14, 2014


We should have internet in the next week, but until then to keep up with us go to: http:7isheavenforus.blogspot.com

Have a great day all.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Will be back :)

Good Afternoon :) I'll be gone for a short time due to our move. Prayerfully we'll internet within a week, but not fur sure .

Just wanted to leave a quick note as to what was/is going on :)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Ruth 2

Ruth Chapter 2: Ruth and Boaz
Ruth and Boaz
Ruth 2

 Verses 7 , Ruth wanted to work and she didn't mind working from morning to late gathering barley. She would just go behind and gather what was dropped or missed. Ruth was able to gather what she needed. Here we see God providing her need. Just as he Provides our need from day to day. What is your need that you have? Are you praying daily to the Lord for that need but before praying for your own need, pray for others.

It's evident in Ruth that people could see Lord in her. Can that be said of you? As we look at verse 15 - 18. We see more of God's provision through Boaz's men. In our daily walk with God as he gives to you through the scriptures do you keep it all for your self or do you share what you have gleaned with others? When you go to church and you learn and grow in God's word through the preaching of your Pastor, your Sunday School teacher do you just hoard it all for yourself or do you share the gospel with others.

As you go about your daily life, as Ruth did people notice. You may say I'm no body, people don't notice what I say or do. That's isn't true. People notice and they know what you do. You are known by your actions. The Bible teaches we are to give to others, we need to do unto others as we wouldn't them to do unto us.

Be a Ruth - willing to work, to gather after the crowd has gone through. Not always being a Me first person, but rather humble, meek, willing to work when others say there's no more to be done.

Are our deeds that are seen by others good? or bad? What testimony are you? One that is I want to be like that person, who reads her Bible, Prayers and is Christ like in all she/he does? Or If that's what Christianity is I don't want it?

Whether we like it or not we are an open book for the world to see. Be the BEST you can be before God and Man.

Thursday, June 26, 2014


Are you a Ruth? As we go through the book of Ruth lets see what we can do to better our lives as Ladies serving the Lord. I'm not sure how many lessons will come from this but I goal is for it to not be my words but what the Holy Spirit would have me write.

Ruth Chapter 1: Naomi and Her Daughters-in-Law
Naomi and Her Daughters-in-Law
Ruth 1
1 Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled, that there was a famine in the land. And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons.
I love this passage of scripture. Let's look at the daughter-in-laws. Naomi told them to return to their land and to their gods. Of which Orpah did but Ruth on the other hand refused. This is where I want to look at verse 16
First Ruth says, "whither thou goest, I will go" There's a lot of devotion to her mother in law to do this. Do we have that type of devotion to the Lord, to our husbands, as Ruth did to the Lord and to her mother-in-law?
If your husband says, "We're packing up and moving to 10 Buck 2 are you going to go willing? I believe that even though Ruth wasn't following her husband, she was following one who knew the Lord.
The next thing is still in verse 16, "thy God my God" Did you notice when Naomi told her daughter-in-laws to return to their land she said gods not God. In the land of her husband and sons they, I believe served false gods but because Naomi had returned home she specifically said, "Call me not Naomi, call me Mara; for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me." verse 20. I believe that she knew the Lord and that she knew she gone against what he wanted for her.
Does this mean that Naomi had married a non believer. I do not know but seeing how God had dealt bitterly with her I would say she knew she had done wrong; after all Moab was not a good place. So why would she send her daughter-in-law back? As we go through the book of Ruth we will learn more about Naomi and Ruth.
My question to you, are you willing to serve the God who created you, who disciplines you when you do wrong, the one who blesses us, you beyond measure? Ruth apparently saw something in her mother in law and she wanted a part of that.
Going back to verse 16 we should be willing to go where the Lord leads, to sleep where he provides no matter the niceness of it, to serve the people he leads you to, and most importantly to serve Him the one whom we put our faith in.
As I started really looking at this and really thinking on verse 16, that is what Missionaries, Pastors, Evangelist anyone who's willing to say Lord, I'll go where you lead, we do. I think back to Christmas of 1990 when my then boyfriend, proposed to me. Before he asked if I would marry him, he asked will you willing go with me to Poland? Without hesitation I said, Yes! Now we didn't end up in Poland but I believe the Lord knew I would go no matter where my husband was called to. The People my husband has been called to serve are wonderful people and they not only are his people, his flock, his congregation but they are mine also. No I don't preach, but I'm there if they need me. I also serve the same God, the Only God that my husband serves! So friend are you going to be a Ruth like is talked about in verse 16?
My prayer is that if you were saying, NO I won't go to Africa with you or What you want me to leave my home to serve a people I don't know, that this will help if only a little.

Monday, June 23, 2014

One step forward, two steps backwards

Do you ever feel that way? Like you take a step forward in life, on a project or anything and then it's two steps backwards.  That's about how I've felt the last few months..... Especially with us moving. But that is where I go to Proverbs where it says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all they ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy path.

See if I were to lean on my own understandings and if I were to say OK it's not going my way, I'm going to just give up on everything and everyone! Would that help me when I go those 2 steps backwards? No it wouldn't, it might make me feel better for a day but in the end I'd be miserable.

So rather than depending on Me, I trust in the Lord. Do I do this all the time? No because I'm human but You know I do try to and as I mature as Christian an as I grow, and as I learn more to trust in Him, the one the only who can, does and will take care of me; I trust more and more in the Lord.

What is it that you are going through that you feel it's one step forward and two backwards?
It is a struggle in you your daily prayer life?
Maybe you struggle in your Bible Reading?
Maybe in Soul - Winning?
Maybe it's a struggle in your relationship with God, a friend, your spouse?

Friend I'm not an expert and I don't claim to be, but I do know if you are struggling in an area, go to the Lord, Trust in him to direct your paths. You trust in the pilot to fly the plane, you trust in the conductor to keep the train going, you trust in floor you stand on to stay where it is and not collapse so why can't you trust in the Lord?!  I know this is a short not very deep or long lesson but it's something that we all need to learn to do ALL the time. That is: "Trust in the Lord!"

Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart and lean NOT unto thine own understanding
In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He SHALL direct thy path.

What path are you unsure of? Trust in the Lord to lead, yea, you might go forward a step and slide back 2 but God is there to lead you and guide you all the way. All you need to do is hold on, trust the Lord and well the rest will be History.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Never Alone

Good Morning, I am sitting here this morning I hear the dishwasher running, the washer and dryer are going an other than that total silence..... I was thinking awe.... ALONE, Peaceful Quiet, no distractions. No, "mom what can I eat?" or "mom would you tell ___________ to stop bothering me." Yes even teen boys still do that LOL Like I've told many people just because our family has been given the title "Pastors Family" doesn't mean my kids are any different from the next families kids.

Anyway, Then I got to thinking, you know really I'm not alone none of us are ever really truly alone. If you are saved, and the Holy Spirit lives with in you. You are Never Alone!

No never alone, as the Bible tells us the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us. Do you feel lonely? Do you feel you've been left all alone? I have 7 passages of scripture that will help you. I will give all references and some of them give the verse here. But friend, you need not feel alone or lonely, the Lord is there by your side day and night.

1. John 14:18 "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."
2. Isaiah 58:9
3. Isaiah 43:4
4. II Corinthians 6:18
5. Genesis 28:15 "And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of."
6. Colossians 2:10
7. Psalms 40:17

As Christians we are not alone, but friend if you say I don't understand what you mean by never alone. Let me share with you the simple truth of salvation and you too can have the Holy Spirit live within you and you can also; Never be alone, never have to fear what tomorrow may hold.

We need to know somethings but friend we need not worry about it. God is in control and he knows our every sorrow, our every need and our every tomorrow. So please continue to read the following verses if you are not 100% sure of your salvation.

First friend realize that we are all sinners. You are a sinner
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."

Here we see that with our sin we can't see God in Heaven. We are not worthy to see him. BUT
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

First well look at "...wages of sin is death...." we must pay for our sins. As one who is not saved you will pay for sins. Jesus made it so that we don't have to pay for our own sins because He died on the cross for you, for me, for the whole world! He Jesus Christ PAID for ALL (YOUR) sins that faithful day on the cross!
Romans 5:8 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Friend you don't need to pay for your sins, Jesus did that for you. Now lets look back up to Romans 6:23b "...but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Earlier I mentioned there's a payment for our sin and that payment is going to be Hell. BUT (contrasting conjunction means there's good news to come) there's a FREE gift! What kind of Gift? The gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ!

Romans 10:13 "For whosoever (put your name there friend) shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

It doesn't say might, or could it says SHALL. Have you ever accepted Christ as your personal Saviour? Jesus has a FREE GIFT of eternal salvation through Him. This isn't works to get to heaven, it's not if I'm good, it's Eternal and YOU can know for sure that you will be in Heaven. Have Faith in the God of Heaven, the one who created Heaven and Earth, placed the stars in the skies, gave us the sun to warm us by day and the moon to guide us at night. Trust in the One the Only True God who loves you so much that he gave His ONLY son to die for you.

If you have accepted this free gift, Please leave a message on the this Post and let me rejoice with you in knowing that you Are now a Child of the King. You also can rejoice in that you are Never alone now.

Yes, as I sit here typing this blog post, physically there is not another soul around but in my heart is the Holy Spirit and he is ALWAYS with me and wants to be with you also!