Monday, June 23, 2014

One step forward, two steps backwards

Do you ever feel that way? Like you take a step forward in life, on a project or anything and then it's two steps backwards.  That's about how I've felt the last few months..... Especially with us moving. But that is where I go to Proverbs where it says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding, in all they ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy path.

See if I were to lean on my own understandings and if I were to say OK it's not going my way, I'm going to just give up on everything and everyone! Would that help me when I go those 2 steps backwards? No it wouldn't, it might make me feel better for a day but in the end I'd be miserable.

So rather than depending on Me, I trust in the Lord. Do I do this all the time? No because I'm human but You know I do try to and as I mature as Christian an as I grow, and as I learn more to trust in Him, the one the only who can, does and will take care of me; I trust more and more in the Lord.

What is it that you are going through that you feel it's one step forward and two backwards?
It is a struggle in you your daily prayer life?
Maybe you struggle in your Bible Reading?
Maybe in Soul - Winning?
Maybe it's a struggle in your relationship with God, a friend, your spouse?

Friend I'm not an expert and I don't claim to be, but I do know if you are struggling in an area, go to the Lord, Trust in him to direct your paths. You trust in the pilot to fly the plane, you trust in the conductor to keep the train going, you trust in floor you stand on to stay where it is and not collapse so why can't you trust in the Lord?!  I know this is a short not very deep or long lesson but it's something that we all need to learn to do ALL the time. That is: "Trust in the Lord!"

Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart and lean NOT unto thine own understanding
In ALL thy ways acknowledge Him and He SHALL direct thy path.

What path are you unsure of? Trust in the Lord to lead, yea, you might go forward a step and slide back 2 but God is there to lead you and guide you all the way. All you need to do is hold on, trust the Lord and well the rest will be History.

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