Saturday, November 1, 2014


Psalms 150
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
I love music! I'm sure many of you do also! As I've studied and listened, heard preaching and teachings on music I've learned that there's music that is healthy and unhealthy for us. I won't name any groups because I can say, I've never listened to heavy metal, hard rock, rock in roll. I had to ask about a few of these to make sure it was a such thing. Now I did growing up listen to country but that was before learning that even that is wrong and vile.
As I read Ps 150 which, as I've said many times, this is a favorite passage. I guess really I should just say the whole Bible is my favorite *smiling As I read it here is what I found in my studies:
The instruments that are talked about in the Bible and how their music is wonderful
1. Coronet Ps 98:6
2. Symbols II Samuel 6:5
3. Timberal Exodus 15:20
4. Dulcimer Daniel 3:10
5. Flute Daniel 3:10
6. Harp Genesis 4:21
7. Organ Genesis 1:21, Job 21:12,
As we listen to music it can strength us or it can destroy us. As I said earlier I love music and all of my music is Christ honoring, it's not this so called Christian Rock, because the 2 don't go together, it's not contempary it's the good old fundamental Christ honoring music. The music we listen to speaks to the heart not to the body.
If you need to know where to get good Christian music just ask, I'll be more than happy to tell you where you can it good Godly music!

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