Thursday, December 18, 2014

What is Your Gravitational Pull?

Funny title right? Especially since I'm NOT a Science person :) :) But from what I do understand Gravitation is what keeps our feet on the ground and it's the pull of the Gravity that helps us stay firm but yet move around with ease. Interesting isn't it? (Now if you are knowledgeable Science person, please forgive me if I miss use a term or something *smiling)

So to my question: What is your gravitational pull? Lets start with a few things: Is it TV, cars, money, Facebook etc.


is it: The Bible, Church, Prayer, Ministry, seeing people saved, helping others, being the best Christian you can be?

Now I realize some of the first you can "maybe" do and still be ok. BUT what is your Main pull??
Matthew 6:19-21  Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
This passage is GREAT if we are always in hurry to do earthly things such as TV, Facebook, our phones what good is that going to do us. Now I realize Facebook and maybe even the phone can be good but not if it takes the First minutes of your day! Or time away from your day that you are suppose to be doing other things such as church, Reading your Bible prayer time just to name a few.
Recently I've had to really guard myself against this, after one goes through a major trial in their life as I learned it's easy to look at the Bible and the computer, then question which one am I going to do first. Should it ever be a question NO. Does it become a choice if I allow it, yes it does. That's why when I sat down this morning I was thinking, "What is my gravitational pull?" What do I really want to do with my life? Do I really want to let the Lord have control of life? Do I really want to serve him to be hurt by those I grow to love and by those who say their behind you and then turn against you?  I must say, "Yes" that is what I want. If you are unsaved you may not understand this, but as teen girl I didn't tell the Lord I would serve him to back out now!
One  of the ways I,we, can serve our Lord is by allowing our Gravitational pull be towards that which will lay treasures where moth not dust doth corrupt and where thieves do not steal. So where is my hearts gravity being pulled to? That which is Christ honoring. This is why you don't always see post from me on my blog. This is why I've started not being on Facebook as much, this is why even though I, my family, are healing from a very hard thing, we are still looking to serve God, to be in HIS will NOT ours. This is why, we, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  II Timothy 2:15
So I ask you one last time, "What is your Gravitational Pull?"
Earthly things?  OR Heavenly Things?
Things that won't matter years down the road? OR Things that are laying up treasures in Heaven?
Things to please self? OR Things that please your Heavenly Father.
Just something for us to think about during this Christmas Season.

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