Our Family


The end of 2014 is nearing quickly.... This collage of pictures is, as my husband says, because we weren't able to be together BUT we were able to video chat Christmas Day...... Pastor and I - Christmas morning, Tom and Tabby at their church in TX, Paul IV and Caleb at college, then Samuel and Jason a few days ago. God is good! to our family.

Tom, Tabby, Natalie and Tom Reapsummer! Yep Tom's parents were able to spend Christmas with Tom and Tabs. 

The next 2 pics were taken at Tabs graduation from College Love my daughter! 
 Love our Son (inlaw)



Our family is doing well, our daughter and son are in TX now serving the Lord together in a wonderful church.
Our oldest 2 boys - both are in college in KY and doing well.
Our youngest 2 boys are in High School now and doing quite well.

We've had some changes in our Ministry here in Maine. We will be moving as to when we are not sure yet. God is good and he is faithful! We love serving the Lord an will go where he sends us.

May God Bless,
Pastor and Mrs. Paula

Let me introduce myself: I'm Paula Seavey and I'm happily married to the Love of my life, William P III. My wonderful husband was saved in 1983, Feb 27th. I got saved 1988 in May. We have 5 wonderful children, Thankfully ALL of them saved. Thomas and Tabitha were married on June 22, 2013. Our 4 boys, William P IV 20 is now at Bible College, Caleb 19, Samuel 16 and Jason is 14.

Easter Sunday 3/31/13
Samuel 15, Jason 13, Myself, Pastor and Caleb 18.

 This is our last family picture with all our children being single.
My Goal is that whomever visits my blog receives a blessing and if you don't know Jesus as your personal Saviour please contact me and I'll more than happy to share with you the blessed gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for stopping by "Protect your spirit as well as the spirits of your family and friends"
June 22, 2013, Thomas Robert Reapsummer will marry our daughter Tabitha Jane!
Adding another SON to our family! 

 Pastor Bill III an I
Caleb 17, Paul IV 18, Samuel 14 and Jason 13

 Our son, Thomas Reapsummer and Tabitha!
Family Picture from Wedding on June 22, 2013
Samuel 15, Caleb 18, Paul IV 19,
Tabitha and Thomas Reapsummer
Me, and Bill III
Jason 14
Newest update on our Family - Tom and Tabitha are doing wonderful and their future plans of starting a church are slowly coming together. Paul IV is enjoying college, on March 23rd, Caleb graduate from High School.    
Our New Family picture taken the night of Caleb's Graduation.
Across the back (L to R) Tom, Caleb 19 and Paul IV 20
Front (L to R) Tabitha, Jason 14, myself, Pastor (Bill) and Samuel 16
Pictures of Caleb's Graduation to come :)