Saturday, January 25, 2014

Healthy or Not

I Corinthians 6:19 "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"

Do you treat your body like it's the Temple of God? What are you putting into your body that is destroying what really isn't yours?

Recently I decided that being over weight was no longer an option. Now because I've only just begun the journey of weight loss, there's not a whole lot to "prove" yet. However the fact that the Bible tells us that our bodies are not your own, is enough for me to want to take better care of myself. I have a dear friend who's really encouraged me in doing this, just by what she's told me and how much better she feels.

Ladies, you know what there's really no excuse either. I'll be truthful for years I've used the excuse of, "I had 5 children I have a right not to be thin." NOPE that doesn't give the right to not take care of myself.
First off who are my children from? God - he gave me 5 wonderful children and I raised them and taught them to be healthy so shouldn't mom also be healthy.
Secondly God tells me my body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
Another excuse I hear is "I'm over 40" ok yea maybe that is a good reason BUT not really good enough. Why? YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST.
I've heard my health, I just can't do it..... Come on ladies part of the health issue is what? WEIGHT! and what does God's Word tell us? YOUR BODY IS NOT YOUR OWN.

Men, if there are men reading this - You of course can't use the excuse of having a baby, but I know one that I've heard was, "sympathy growth on my part for my wife" Well.... ok that maybe but still YOUR body is also the Temple of Ghost. I'll not labor the topic so much towards men because most of you don't want to hear that from a woman anyway :) :) especially one who's not your wife.

So in all seriousness, Young people, men and Women if you are overweight do some research, find out what is best for you and LOSE that weight! I actually have 3 different things I'm following because I can't afford to do just one plan so I'm implementing a few different things that each one kind of go together at some point of the plan. I believe with much prayer, determination and work I WILL become healthier.

If you want someone to pray for you as you start the journey post a comment and I will pray for you. If you need some help finding or getting started on what is right for you, I'm willing to do what I can.

So rather than giving the excuses that the Devil WILL provide go ahead step out there and start making your body healthier after all, YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST.

:) :)

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I shoulda, coulda, woulda..... I did, have, will

Have you ever thought I shoulda done this? I coulda done that. I woulda gone there but.......
I did do this and feel great about it. I have finished that, thank you Lord. I will be starting this.....
Which one are you as a Christian? The shoulda, coulda, woulda OR the did, have, and will.
I was thinking about a few things this afternoon that I was like, I shoulda done that instead of checking e-mail. There's even been times I've said, I woulda gone to that church function but I'd rather not because of this or that. Yes, I've even said, I coulda been there but I just didn't feel like it. Now what Blessing did I miss because I said, I shoulda, coulda, woulda!
Then there's been the other way where I've said, Yes I did that, I went soul winning. Maybe it was I have had my daily devotions. OR Yes, I will be starting that today or the near future. The key is that your "will" doesn't become I shoulda, coulda or woulda.
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
By keeping this verse in mind - you won't need to say any longer that I shoulda, coulda or woulda, BUT rather You can say through Christ I did, I have or I will.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Why Lord?

Have you ever wondered what the Lord was trying to show you? What you were missing? Were you in the right place? Did you misunderstand his leading? Well, I can say in the last 6 hours all these questions have gone through my mind.
I won't go into details and I won't say a whole lot about the past but 2 years ago a series of events took place which lead to us leaving Maryland/West Virginia area. That move brought us to Maine. Today almost exactly 2 years later the exact same thing the loss of  a job took place. The difference we are in the Ministry as Pastor and family, but our income was the second job. I home school our children 1. we believe that we should 2. it saves a lot of money. I don't work out of the home because my husband and I feel that my place is at home as wife and mom. So therefore my husband pastors and did work a second job till 4:30 afternoon.
The question now is, How will God take care of our needs? Simple "But my God shall supply all my NEED according to His riches in Christ Jesus"
Are we missing something? maybe but we'll wait and see what God has in store for us and our church.
What is the Lord trying to show us? "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles...."
Are we in the right place? We believe so - just have to trust in the Lord. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding...."
Did we miss understand something? Maybe BUT It will be worth the struggle, the hard ship and maybe even the rough road ahead to learn what we missed.
God is with me, my husband, my children through the storm!!! As long as we continue to serve him and win souls for Christ and don't give up God WILL NEVER EVER FORSAKE HIS OWN!!
I may not of used a lot of scripture, and there may not be a great truth typed out here but God brought us to it, HE will lead us through it! IF you are going through ANYTHING it's ok to ask questions but then go to God's word find the answer and continue on with your life.  

He Holds the Key

Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth...."

The Creator of ears can hear your cries
Yes the Maker of eyes can see,
Every broken and wounded heart
For the Teacher of Life holds the key.
The key to peace and contentment
To help you through turmoil and strife,
The key to strength and assurance
The key to eternal life.
He knows everything about you
Your thoughts, your motives and plans,
He knows when you're hurt and discouraged
And don't have the strength to stand.

He won't ever leave or forsake you
He'll reach out if you start to fall,
Holding you firm and securely
Ready to answer your call.
For he holds the key to your victory
That He will gladly impart,
He holds the key to your hope and joy
Because He holds the key to your heart.
I Corinthians 1:9 "God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."
*I'm not sure where the poem came from but it has A LOT of great truth! 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Love Thyself as Thy Neighbour

Mark 12:30 "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment."

One way we can grow closer to the Lord is not only through Praying and Reading our Bible daily, and by being a witness for him. I realize that going soul-winning maybe a scary for some, maybe you are shy (like me) LOL or maybe you don’t like to talk to strangers. That’s ok, you can go with a lady/man that is comfortable talking and witnessing.

So now how can we obey Mark 12:30 which is the first commandment?

1. Make sure you LOVE the Lord that all you do is to please the Lord - Making sure YOU are saved.
2. All thy soul – We can’t keep this or that because we don’t want to give it up. We need to Love the Lord with our whole soul.
3. With thy mind – is your thinking right? Do you look to be Christ honoring in your thoughts?
4. So we are to Love the Lord with WHAT? Our WHOLE being.
5. Strength – I wondered before How can I love the Lord through my strength? Well, he gives us the strength to go forward, to live daily for him. So through our strength we can LOVE the Lord.

In Matthew 22:39 "And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

Our neighbours – who are they? They are the ALL the People who live here in Palermo! They are the people who live in Germany, Canada, the Philippians, the 1040 Window, throughout the world, and our Military.

We need to decided right here and right now that we are going to make a difference. You can make difference, I can make difference, if you make a difference to JUST 1 person that’s one more person reached for the Lord. It only takes 1 person to make a difference but if ALL of us make a difference in a person, then that person a difference in another before you know it, we have made a difference NOT only in Palermo, but Liberty, China, Windsor, or where ever you may live in the world.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

What do you expect?

Luke 6:31 "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise."

Core Values, do you expect these things? 

These are things we expect from others. If we expect it we should also treat others this way also.
Just a little thought of something we should all probably work on in 2014.