Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years!

As we enter the new year why not start it the way we want to finish it.
Start the new yr reading your Bible, Praying, Witnessing to others, attending church and being a good steward of your time. For children obeying your parents, being kind to your siblings, loving others and be a good steward or your time.

Have you read your Bible all the way through? The Bible tells us, Study to shew thyself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed. Make it your goal this yr 2011 to read your Bible all the way through and to study it, to learn and grow in the Lord.

Do you pray daily? Remember we are to pray without ceasing. Have a prayer list and pray for certain things and people daily! If you aren't in the routine of making a list, get one of those pocket size notebooks and starting writing down prayer request leaving a small space to date when the prayer is answered. It's amazing how many prayers you can have answered in a yr.

Soul winning - Did you know we're told to go into the highways and byways seeking for the lost. Do you have a scheduled time that you go and give the gospel to those who have not heard. If you aren't sure when your church goes out, ask your Pastor when the soul-winning times are.

My friends, I prayer is that each of us grow more and grow stronger than we are today 12/31/2010. It would be a shame for us to be in the exact same stage of our Christian growth in a yr. Something would be terribly wrong.

I'll close wishing you Happy New Year and a Blessed New Year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a good writer! Thank you for the inspiring writting.