Friday, August 14, 2009


Well, as much as we may not like it or as much as we do, it's school time again :)
I was going through stuff looking to see what needed to be purchased for the new school year and trying to figure out things. When I came across this in one of my kids notebooks from last year.

II Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a woman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
S-don't study and be stupid (So I'll do all my work and study)
T-be a time waster or Use your time wisely with your studies (I will use my time wisely)
U-U forget things--U fail! (I don't want to be the U who fails)
D-determination or dumbness your choice ( not really I want determination and pass)-
Y-don't ask why just do the y and you'll pass Algebra :D

As I read this I though WOW!! There are some good points there! This was written by one of my teens who doesn't really care for school but put his whole being into learning and making sure he passed his classes.

When we read our Bible do we read it to barely make it or do we do as my son and go for all it's worth. Now I know the y won't help us much as far as how he applied it to Algebra, but he has some good points there.
S-Study! Learn God's word know it inside and out. Meditate on God's word day and night!
T-do you waste time or do you use your time wisely, you know you could have a time that maybe you watch an hour TV show, you could read your Bible, maybe to much time on the Internet...You know I sat down one day and timed myself on how long I was on the computer. When I sat down, I thought I'm going to check e-mail, go to my blog (at the time only 1) and get off. Do you realize I was on the computer for 2 hours!!! Was that a waste of time? YES!!! So I decided from then on I would set a timer. I have much to do and can't sit at my desk that long doing just Internet. Since then with the exception of my devotional blog I never go on more than 30 min at a time unless I plan it!!!
U-Don't be a person who forgets. U can make list, have a schedule and DON"T be the "U" people look at and say, he/she is forgetful.
D-Determination! WOW........I have seen so much determination in my boys that it's convicted about being determined! My 4 boys have dyslexia some more severe than others. Well, my 15 yr old couldn't read well as a 7th grader but he took and went from Failing ALL his classes the first semester to failing ONLY ONE at the end of the yr. Last yr, his 8th gr year, he didn't make below a C on ANYTHING!!! That's determination. Did I have to help him? YES! But HE DID THE WORK....DETERMINATION!!!! We should be that way with our ministry, our Bible and Prayer life Determine to GROW in the LORD!!!!
Y-well, I had a hard time thinking of something as did my son, but you know rather than asking WHY? Just do! My youngest boy will say Why do we have to do this? I simply answer, Did mom/dad say you had to? Yes, then that's why? Now I don't always answer that way, I will if needed give him the why because it will help him understand better why we do what we do. But, when he ask why do I have to do the dishes now.....that's a different story.
God tells us to witness, to be labors for him. Don't ask WHY just do it.
Maybe if we "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" We would be better in ALL we do.....
1. Study as we should - you don't have to go to school to study
2. Be a good workman - do right and work your best in ALL things.
3. Keeping the word truth

Just a thought with school starting up here in a few wks. I pray even as parents we help our children to do what we know is right. Remember, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

Paula Micheal Seavey


Margaret said...

Thanks for these little devotionals. They have been truly a blessing. I think I am going to just read this for my boys tonight or sometime close to when school starts. You are truly a blessing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Paula! This was a really good one!! I think I will print this one out instead of keeping it only on my computer!!
