Monday, August 3, 2009

Isaiah 40:31

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they mount up with wings as eagles...."
When my husband was in Alaska several yrs ago he was watching the Eagles as they flew up high in the sky. It was a windy day, and all the other little birds were struggling just to get off the ground.
As Bill was telling about this, he said he thought of Isaiah 40:31 and how the eagle mounts up and lets the wind carry them. Just as we should let the Lord carry us in his strength, the Eagle lets the strength of the wind lift him up.
Do we depend on the strength of the Lord or our own? Are we as an Eagle who depends on the strength of the wind?

1 comment:

Susan B said...

A beautiful post, and one of my favorite verses. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Have a lovely week!