Sunday, March 6, 2011

Having a Meek and Quiet Spirit. 6 of 23

Hello everyone, I pray you had a wonderful time in church this morning! I know we did! Our Pastor honored a man and his wife who's been in the church for 38 yrs. He's battling cancer throughout his whole body and he's still serving God! WOW what a testimony. Then we head a wonderful sermon on Prayer and how simple it is.
Whereever you live in the US or another country I pray that you aren't in a flooded area, snowbound area, or any other natural diasters.

Today's lesson will be on Convicting Power - a lessom from Herodias
Psalm 90:11 "Who knoweth the poser of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath."

Read Matthew 14:1-14; Mark 6:14-29

Herodias used her power in a bad way. We are going to look at this and how we should NOT follow what she did.
1. It began with greed.
Herodias was a greedy person, she wanted more and better than her husband was giving her. When she married her brother in law she then precedeed to us her "power" to what she wanted!
Do you see how much you can get from your husband because you WANT this or that? This isn't the way a meek and quiet spirited wife should be. Now it's not wrong to want things, but don't use your husband in a wrong way to get it. I have actaully learned that it's better to be satified with what I have and NOT want what I don't have. I found in my own personal life that I'm happier if I "Don't want that which I Don't have." You say, but don't want shoes or a purse, or jewlery?? Yes, I do, but you know I found when my kids say mom what would you like for Christmas, your birthday, anniversary that is when I mention what I would like to have. You know I don't always say what I want and let them get what they want for me. Did you know that many times the very necklace/earring set they buy for me was one I had looked at.
I'm really the same with my husband, now I have and even just recently told him I would REALLY like to have a new car. BUT I mentioned it once and unless he comes to me about it, probably will not say anything more about it.
Why am I this way? I don't want to be a Herodias and be greedy.

2. Greed led to divorce and adultery.
If you are reading this and are divorced please understand I'm not upset with you and I have no plan to hurt anyone. Because through God and his love and grace I am not divorced. One reason I believe I'm not divorced is I have not allowed greed to take over. I see ladies with their diamond rings, fancy clothes, big homes, fancy cars and as a human with a sin nature, Yes sometimes I become a little jealous However, I don't let it affect to where I say, Bill because you can't supply this and this and that and the other thing I'm leaving you! One I couldn't do that to my children or my husband!
My prayer is if you are divorced and have remarried, decide today that the man you call your husband will be the ONE and ONLY one for you! Maybe he can't give you all the "sparlkies" of the world, but he loves you and takes care of you that is more important than anything!!!

3. Conviction led to anger.
You say, how could conviction lead to anger? Well in the story of Herodias she had hear John the Baptist preach, however she didn't respond to conviction properly. She became angery over the conviction rather than applying it to her life.
Do you want to be that way over a conviction?

4. Anger led to more gross sin.
Becasue Herodias allowed anger to set it led her to sin in ways that she may of never done if she had just listened to the Preaching of John the Baptist. Do you listen but never obey the preaching?
Sin will become worse and worse in our lives as wives and mothers if we don't listen to God's Word and if we don't seek His face daily.
Do you want a meek and quiet spirit? Do you want to avoid anger?
Then as a wife and mother we NEED to seek God daily!!

5. Sin leads to the destruction of others.
Wife, mom, did you know your sin can destroy other wives and moms? Did you know your sin of rebellion to your husband tells the unsaved it's ok to not obey the man I married. Did you know as a mom, if you sin in a way that your children see daily Mom is not doing what she tells me to do, that you ARE NOT training your child in the way he/she should go. WOW!!!
You know  the other day we came down our boys about some words they were using. Now they aren't necessarly bad but they started using them in hurtful ways. After correcting them and saying ok now these words are NOW curse words in our home, one of my boys said, (not in a sarcastic way) "Dad, Mom does that mean you'll not say it when your driving?" OUCH!!! So guess what?? We are no longer saying the words that are now curse words in our home.

Becareful what you do that you aren't destroying another Christian or the chances of an unsaved person being saved!

A Meek and Quiet Spirit is more than just words that we may or may not use it's our actions and how we treat others.
Do you see how our topic Being a Meek and Quiet Spirit is being applied in many areas?

Dear Lord, as we teach our children about conviction, Lord, Help us to teach our children, and show our children how to respond to convictions.

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