Monday, March 21, 2011

Having a Meek and Quiet Spirit. 13 of 23

Good Morning! What kind of wk are you planning on having? Reason I'm asking is personally I've decided to have a wonderful wk ;)
How can you have a wonderful wk?  This will take us into today's lessons on Distracted.

Luke 10:41 & 42 "And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about marry things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

This lesson will come in 2 parts since it will be a little longer than the others. Mary and Martha Read Luke 10: 38 - 42

As you know Martha invited Jesus into her home and her sister Mary sat at Jesus feet to hear His Word. In the Bible we read that Martha was "...cumbered about much serving." As a mother don't you too feel you have to be about doing and caring for things and being "cumbered about much serving."  Now look at Martha, she started to complain about her sister, why? Because she saw his sister as being lax and not serving. So Martha began to cry for help.  As Martha began to complain we see in verse 41 & 42 "And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." Lets look at the lessons learned in this story:

1. Jesus is not saying that we must always sit at His feet in order to please Him.
Now this can be confusing.... We are to serve Jesus. Yet, we are to sit at his feet and learn. We are suppose to do both, now Jesus was not reprimanding Martha, he was just letting her know Mary was right in what she was doing also.
My children are so funny sometimes, lets say dad has told them to do a job (which mom doesn't know about) I'll come along and say I need this done. Now, They are doing right because they are obeying dad, but if they don't speak up and say, "Dad asked me to do this, may I do your request or job when i finish" I may get upset when they don't move or go do as  I ask.  It doesn't make their job wrong, They just didn't inform me of dad's request.
If we apply this to our daily doings, we should not get distracted by what the other is doing. Cont to do as God would have you do, or with the children the politely inform you of their current task and cont then go to the next thing.
Things that distract us:
a. money
b. possessions.
c. problems
d. Mindless tasks
These are just a few things that can be a distraction.

2. We can usually tell when we have become distracted.
How can you tell that you're distracted? Negative spirit, easily frustrated about things, just stop and think what distracts you.
Do you know if your trying to read your Bible and the tv is loud or the children are running around screaming and chasing each other that you are not fully focused. You may say, DUH!! I know that, but how many times do we sit down to do something and get upset or flustered because of the things happening around us.
Be watchful of distractions.

3. Though Jesus is pleased with our service, it is our attention to Him and to His Word which is most needful in our lives.
needful - means to edify or build up.
We need to be needful to the Lords attention! Study your Bible and make sure your attention if fully focused on His Word when you have your devotions.

4. It is our time with and our love for the Lord which cannot be taken away from us.
Don't get distracted by: money, possessions, loved ones, and chores.

Practical Lessons on Keeping a Happy Spirit
1. Play sermon tapes
2. Listen to good Gospel Music
3. Be friends with those who are Christians and those who make you laugh.
4. Get plenty of fresh-air. Go outside
5. Exercise...YEP I said it! Exercise see I said again.... No seriously we do need to our bodies fit after all it is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
6. Intersperse work and play. What do I mean by this, well reward yourself for your hard work and accomplishments during the day!
7. Nap, we do at times need to rest during the day.
8. Eat right
9, Read uplifting books.
10. Avoid entertainment which will leave you depressed spirit such as romance novels (which as far as I'm concerned are wrong and sinful!) tv, magazines, catalogs with inappropriate pictures, gossip etc.
11. Be a soul winner
12. Help others, nursing homes, shut ins, hospitals.
13. Schedule time for your immediate family and perhaps wkly times for extended family members. Now when I say schedule time I'm meaning family time, date nights with your husband etc.

Wives, Moms you need to keep a meek and quiet spirit one way of doing this is by these 13 pts I just gave.
So will you have a Wonderful Wk?? I think you can and should!

*the main pts listed, and most of the Practical lessons are from "A Meek and Quiet Spirit"

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