Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Having a Meek and quiet Spirit 14 of 23

Good afternoon, another beautiful day in WV and have enjoyed it tremendously. Did school outside for a little bit, till the boys became to distracted with the outdoors. We also started on some fun projects from them. Well, I pray that each of you are enjoying the lessons on Having a Meek and Quiet Spirit. I believe it's so important that as wives and moms that we have that meek and quiet spirit. We shouldn't be loud and boisterous.

We'll be looking at part II of Mary and Martha
John 11:5 "Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus."

Read John 11 - in reading John 11 we see another side of the story about Martha and Mary.
We see how they doubted Jesus then believed in him. They questioned him when he wasn't there to keep Lazarus from dieing, then their faith in Jesus increased when they raised him from the dead.
If we stop and think about it we as Christians today are the same way. We say, I have faith that God will ________________ (you  fill in the blank) BUT..... Why does But always follow? Because we are human, we know in our heart that God will and we have faith, BUT at the same time in our mind we're doubting that he will.  Then when God comes through we're like I never doubted that at all. Why do we do that? We maybe embarrased to say, yes I doubted God, however we did have faith and doubt at the same time.

I've even had to put myself in check with this just recently. We are in the process of looking to buy a house, I'm so tired of looking that I'm like: "Lord I have faith in you to provide the right house, BUT......" I just need to and have given it to the Lord he'll provide what he wants for us when he wants us to have it. Just take the step of faith and leave it in His hands!!!

1. We should be patient with the liablilities and appreciate the assets of our personalities and the personalities of others.
Don't use your weakness as an excuse to keep you from doing your ALL for Jesus. Remember God loves you and me! We can and should be patient and go and do for the Lord.

2. We should remember that God loves us in spite of, and perhaps because of, our personality weakness.
In the story about Martha and Mary we see how Jesus illustrates His Love for Martha rather than Mary at this point of the story.

3. We should not be discouraged when our faith is weak.
We all go through times when our faith isn't as strong as it should be. DON"T get discouraged. Look to God allow him to still work through you.

4. We should allow our faith, even though it is small, to move us to action.
When you are grieving, struggling with a problem, or simply having a rough time having faith; Allow your fatih to be seen. Allow yourself to move and do what needs to be done no matter what! Keep the Faith.

5. We should realize that Jesus can use us, in spite of our personality weaknesses, to bring others to Him.
Maybe you say, it's not my  personality to go soul winning. STOP! You can lead people to the Lord no matter what your personality!!! Did you know you may meet the person who is like you an that you maybe the ONLY one whom the Lord could/would use to lead that percious soul to him. So don't let things like personality stop you.

6. We should make Jesus our Master and come to Him as soon as He calls us.
John 11:28 -29 "And when she had so said, she went her way, and called Mary her sister secretly, saying, The Master is come, and calleth for thee. As soon as she heard that, she arose quickly, and came unto him.'"

7. We should realize that Jesus weeps with us when we weep.
It's comforting to know that Jesus weeps with us. He hurts when we hurt. He's rejoices with us when we rejoice. Now this may not be everytime, I don't know, but it's wonderful to know that the Lord loves ME so much that he would do that.

As we have seen in yesterdays lesson and todays the Lord loved both of the sisters, just in different ways! Just as God loves me for me, you for you he loved Mary for not being distracted and Martha for her faith in Him.

1 comment:

Completely7 said...

Thanx I needed this.