Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 19 of 24

Good Morning this cold and windy day :) Are y'all ready for Spring? I know I am..... Well, today is going to be a great day and all that happens will happen for a reason AMEN!!

I have a question for you..... Do you and your MAN have a date night? If not try to start having one! I LOVE Tuesdays, why? It's the day I get to go out with just me and my Man that evening!!! My challenge for you is: If you don't have a wkly date with your husband start planning a special evening each wk, start off at home, sending the kids to the sitters for a few hours. Then eventually make it where the sitter comes to your home and you go out!

Today's lesson isn't even about having weekly dates, but I wanted to include that for all you wonderful couples out there!

Titus 2:4-5 "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste...."
*We aged women are to teach the young women to be Chaste: pure in thought, word, and act, and to be modest and honorable in all things."
(I'm only putting a few parts of this passage here be sure to read the whole passage here) I Peter 3:1-6 "...While they behold your chaste conversation...let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair...even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price...."

What do you think it meant to chaste in conversation? Well, I'm no well known scholar, but I would think that we need to be careful of
our conversation. We dont' want to be a gossip, or telling others about things that they don't need know AND that you don't need to discus with them. The word chaste also means pure and in the Bible another time is used as clear. Philippians 4:8, James 3;17 will give more on this.

How do you think God wants our outward appearance to be?  "...not be that outward adorning...."  God wants us to dress modestly and look our best outwardly.  Now, don't you think that you husband would want the same. Your husband should not only be able to say my wife is decent but when he and others see you, YOU LOOK decent! Now this part of the lesson maybe a little touchy and I won't go into great detail.
I told a young lady who recently graduated from our school who had a question about convictions this: "You grew up believing and obeying your Parents conviction, BUT the conviction on clothing and other things needs to become your own." I also told her, "You know that the way you were raised is what God would want, and as the mother of your friend, you should keep the Bibles convictions as your own." 
When you are asked, "What is your conviction on _________________?" Do you say, "My parents or well my  conviction is _______"   You know when you married your Man he wanted to be PROUD of the way you look. I've been married almost 19 yrs and I will on occasion ask, "Bill, are you proud of the way I look?" Now that's a rather pointed question, but He Knows I want to look the best I can for him. Recently he mentioned he'd like it if I could lose a little weight, he wasn't calling me fat, he just thinks I'd be happier and healthier if I lost a few lbs. Well, guess what I'm working on. Now please as you read this don't think, she's miss perfect doing everything her husband wants..... TRUST me there are times I dont' want to do as he ask, and sadly I must say, I mess up and don't always do as he ask. I AM HUMAN just as you are!!! So going back to the conviction, I don't wear pants, and I know many who don't why don't I/others not wear pants. One the Bible clearly teaches that woman isn't to wear the apparel of man. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God."  I mentioned doing as my husband ask, one of the things while we were dating was he asked if I would lengthen my skirts, now they weren't mini skirts by no means, but he wanted them a little longer. It took some getting use to but I did it. Why I was in Love Bill III and I wanted to please him even before we were married. We could really go into depth on this subject, at this time though I won't. If you have questions on this please feel free to e-mail me from my blog.

*Discreet; careful, considerate, watchful.
*Chaste: pure in thought, word and act; modest honorable.

Meek and Quiet Spirit.... Wow this is really hard for some to be meek and quiet. I can be quiet NO problems, but meek?! Well.....
I'm going to recommend a book here titled "The Meek and Quiet Spirit" By Cindy Hyles Schaap I LOVE her book and have read many times. 
Meek means, Of gently and longsuffering disposition; submissive; compliant.
If you were to ask my husband he would tell you I'm gentle, submissive and usually compliant. Longsuffering I'm working on :) But then I love the kids song that defiantly applies to me. "He still workin on me, to make me what I ought to be. It took just a wk to make the moon and stars, Jupiter and mars, BUT he's still working on me!"  As a Christian, wife, mom, teacher I have alot of work that needs to be done. I mean just yesterday no one would of said I have a meek and quiet spirit. I was frustrated with my computer, the kids well.... they were being boys. Hubby had to work late, I was tired, frustrated and yes even mad a few times. BUT I cared for it and tried to be a meek and quiet spirit through out the day. I'm not perfect and it took a lot of work, Much Prayer and a lot of biting my tongue yesterday.
All that to say, we are a work in progress and our Meek and Quiet Spirit will take some work.

*Chaste: The appearance of a Good Help Meet
Think with me on moment about the last time you went to church. In your mind's eye, scan the room and reflect on how the women, including yourself, were dressed. Now read what God says in I Timothy 2:9-15.

*taken from "Created to be His Help Meet"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I really love this! MODESTY is a huge issue in our home. I used to tote that line growing up.. but bottom line.. when you cause a man to look at you with lust.. You have enticed that man by your garments.

We need to always look wonderful for our husband..granted there are days that we can not..but we also need to practice modesty with every inch of our lives.

I can not turn on the TV without hearing of grisly crimes against women..however when they show their facebook pictures they are dressed like, well loose women. (Even Teenagers are wearing tight, low cut stuff) Finding clothes that are modest are hard this day and age. I personally love my gouchous and skirts!!!! I never want to be guilty of causing a brother to fall!!!