Friday, February 4, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 10 of 24

How do your Reactions define you?
*A wise woman does not dream of what "could have been." She does not see herself as "God's gift to me;" therefore, she is joyful and content in her present circumstances.

Do your react in anger, frustration, even tempered or not at all? Some things we don't need to react to but then there are things we should react to. How do you determine how you will react. I'm going to insert a little personal thought here:
One of my boys has a tendency to over react. Yesterday for example his brothers were playing with 2 Nerf guns and one of them shot him. Well, it didn't hurt but because he felt that he should of never been hit he jumped up and charged at his brother in a rage! This was an unnecessary reaction. However in another situation one of my boys was doing something and a brother came up and just smacked him for no reason. The brother got upset but didn't retaliate he very sternly told him NOT to do that. Now as adults I'm sure you know which one was the better REACTION. 
As adults we react to things in both ways that my boys did. We can over react showing the immature side of us, or we can react in the mature manner.

When you got married you already had your convictions in certain area's Then you may of taken on some of your husbands convictions. Such as when I first met Bill I wore skirts that came 2 in below my knee they were modest, but he preferred 4 in below the knee or longer. OK, my reaction was wow... I'll try that, I will admit it took a little getting use to after all I'm not really all that tall. My conviction on that changed in time and now that is what I wear, and I love it!!!  

*Your reactions break you loose from your social inhibitions and manifest who you really are inside and what you really believe at your core level. WOW!!! That hits home right??? Remember the saying, "your walk talks and talk talks but walk talks louder than your talk talks."? Well, this shows through your reactions!!!

*The heart is filled with thoughts, and it is out of that reservoir of thoughts that the mouth speaks words of praise or bitterness.

"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh" Luke 6:45  Do you curse? Do you say things you scream and yell at your kids for saying? You know as a wife you have to change this. As a mother you HAVE to change this. It's not so much I will to stop this but changing your thought life!!
Proverbs 23:7 "For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...."
Matthew 15:19 "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts...."
Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus"
Romans 12:2 "...transformed by the renewing of your mind...."

God is showing us how we need to think, react, and do as a wife, as our husbands Help Meet!

*Your reactions define who you really are inside and what you really believe at your core level!!!!!
*You are what you think and God tells you how to think.
So why don't we do what we know God wants?
Did you know, you ARE what you think? Think truth, think right, then you'll react right! This has nothing to do with the Power of thinking. Stop, Think: *this is the power of the truth as God defines it!!
*No woman will have peace and joy until her mind is filled with goodwill toward her husband.

*Here's a little test:
1. Do you have enough fear of God to not question his word?
2. Do you sometimes feel God is punishing you by telling you to obey your husband?
3. Would you give God excuses like, My husband is mean," or "I am a strong personality, and he is weak?"
4. How would you respond if God gave you directions on how to talk, when not to talk, or how to dress and even wear your hair?
5. Are you comfortable with dismissing the Bible's role for women by saying we live in a different culture?
6. When God says to reverence (meaning, stand in awe of) your husband, do you think that is demanding too much?
7. Will you say, "If God say it, or even suggest it, then that is what I will do"?

Make sure when your walk talks that it's speaking the truth from your heart which would be one of seeking God's wisdom, understanding and appreciating your man, and being a flexible wife!

*taken from "Created to be His Help Meet

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