Saturday, February 5, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 11 of 24

Good Afternoon. I had intended to do this much earlier today but it's been a pretty busy day. Getting things hubby needed done, completed and then caring for a sick little one and just being wife, mommy, doctor takes alot of your day. Which I'm sure many of you know about :)  Well, our lesson today I've looked over, re wrote, re read, and then looked at again and I believe I now have what the Lord would have me focus on. I'll briefly be on one topic then go into the 2nd half a little bit more.

*Man was created to subdue; woman was created to assist.
I don't know about you, but I'm sure grateful that my husband and I are different. Not only physically, but how we look at things, do things and yes even think! I tell you what I'm sure glad my husband thinks logically on some things. When my emotions start coming into play I need a man to go to who thinks level headed and with logic. Praise the Lord I married a MAN!

Man needs woman and we need to be the BEST Help Meet we can for OUR MAN!!

Now as wives there are actually 2 profiles which one are you?
1. The Jezebel Profile
2. The Virtuous Woman Profile

I Corinthians 11:3 "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God."
1. When we as the woman take the spiritual lead, we step out from under our designated rightful head.
2. When we as the woman take the lead in our marriage, we are assuming the masculine role. Which is wrong for us to do. In doing this we weaken the man.
3. This is the most significant thing.... As a woman if we insist on taking the head role we push our husbands to becoming less responsible and he eventually lets the woman do as she pleases.
4. As a woman if we try to dominate and control things she will become emotionally, and physically exhausted. Why? She is trying to do that which a man should do!!!
These show the Profile of Jezebel.

Now we look at the Virtuous Profile for a woman.
*A virtuous woman is hardworking.
*A virtuous woman is resourceful.

If you notice a woman who's following her husband and letting him be the head of the home as God intended you will find that she is: *confident, hardworking, creative, and resourceful!

Isaiah 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord" A woman who's spiritual will be that force that he and she both need. As your MANS wife, if you have the right intimate relationship, are fun to be with, an offer spiritual uplifting he and you will benefit. 
So are you the Proverbs 31 wife OR the Jezebel type wife? Each of us NEED to make sure we are the Prov 31 wife. Don't say but I __________________ and whatever excuse you give. Just start this very minute, doing your VERY BEST to be the wife God  intended you to be, the Help Meet God created you to be.

Genesis 3:16 "Thy desire shall be to they husband and he shall rule over thee"
*See the contrast:
Jezebel Profile                                               Virtuous Woman Profile
1. Prophetess                                                1. Help meet
2. Teacher                                                     2. Silent
3. One who pities                                          3. Encourager
4. Religious                                                    4. Prudent worker
5. Controller                                                  5. Submissive

I ask you again which are you? My prayer is that we are the Virtuous Woman Profile doing as the God intended me to as my husbands wife.

*taken from "Created to be his Help Meet"

1 comment:

Completely7 said...

I appreciate the time you have put into this. I just now read all the lesons. ( I started yesterday) I want to say thanks,I am enjoying them. Also thanks for the sweet comment left on my blog.Helen