Friday, February 11, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 16 of 24

Good Morning! Lets be the Help Meet we were meant to be today!

Titus 2:4 "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands...."
Love your husband, well I would think that for each of us as wives that we would love our husbands but would you believe that there are women out there who think that he's to love me I don't have to love him?! Scary thought.

So what do loving your husband mean? It simply means that we put His needs ahead of our own. Did you know that your "ministry" is to your husband and children? *Everyday and every night we need to be ready to minister to His needs.
*God's ultimate Goal is for you to meet your Mans needs.
Ephesians 5:31-32 "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, an they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church."

> God's ultimate goal for you is to meet your man's needs
>God's original intention was that a woman would spend her life helping her husband fulfill his dreams and ambitions.
> From the beginning, God meant fr us to be a comfort, a blessing, a reward, a friend, an encouragement, and a right hand woman.

I have a few questions for you here:
1. What can I do to help, __________ (your husbands name)?
2. What should my next project be for _____________?
3. __________, what would you like for me to do now?
This is where you are helping him, being an encouragement by asking to help, being a blessing....

*When a woman is not interested in his most consuming passion, he feels that she is not interested in him.
In Eph 5:31 it says "...they two shall be one flesh." This is where you and your husband become one. The special time the two of you share together. Do you push him aside? Use the day old excuse, "I have a headache." or "I'm really to tired." Did you know you are pushing your Man away to another woman each time you neglect him in the bedroom. Until one day you wake up and you wonder why didn't he come home last night? *Your disinterest in him sexually is a reflection of your heart, and he knows it.
*If a wife does not meet his intimacy and sexual needs, she is a help-not-meet, a helper not suitable to the task for which God created her.
None of us what to be in the help-not-meet but rather in the HELP MEET realm.

*Marriage means becoming one flesh. It does not mean being best friends.
*When you truly love and reverence your husband, the very thought of him loving the likes of you should thrill your soul and make you long to cause him pleasure.
We mentioned earlier that your ministry is your husband. Did you ever consider you intamint life as being a ministry to him. You are fulfilling his needs and making him feel important to you!! That you truly love him and want to be his help meet.
Song of Solomon 3:4 "...I found him whom my soul loveth; I held him, and would not let him go...."

To Love their husbands!!!
*A good help meet glories in answering her husbands needs.
* She learns to know his needs before he is aware he has them.
*She empties her mind of the cares of the world so her body can respond to him with eagerness.

Lets make a new Habit.... make a list of personal plans of how you are going to love your husband be sure you come up with lots of bright ideas. I would suggest at least one special date a wk.

**Several reasons why you should LOVE and be Sexy for your husband:
1. It's fun
2. It's healthy
3. It provokes him to appreciate you.
4. He'll feel good about himself
5. It mellows out you
6. It's a safeguard for your husband against the women of the world
7. It's good for the Children to know their mom and dad love each other.
8. It's of God
9. It makes sweet babies :)

*taken from "Created to be his Help Meet"
**parts of that section was taken from the above mentioned book.

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