Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 7 of 24

Sorry this is being posted late, it's called wonderful Internet problems.... I hope you're enjoying the post and that in some small way it's being a blessing to someone.

We'll on 2 more lessons on Wisdom in our marriage, being a mom and life in general. These are really good lessons and if you are able to get the book will help you as a wife, mom and even friend.

*A wise woman is always learning. She is open to change. She is ready to hear. She pursues knowledge.

Oh how true the above statements are! I have found when I'm willing to learn, to change, to listen and pursue knowledge my wisdom increases and I things are much better.

Do honor or dis honor your husband? We should not dishonor our husbands. They are meant to be the head of the home and we are to HONOR, an obey them. That is what we promised in our wedding vows.

What did you practice today? Listening? Being willing to change? A learner? Gaining knowledge? Which of these did you do?

*What is God's perfect will for your life? To be a good help meet!!!!
*Make a new habit today! Think of the thing your husband does that irritates you the most. Now say to yourself, "I do not see the whole picture. I don not know what God is doing in my life or my husbands life. My critical attitude is a far graver sin than his bad habits. I am guilty of blaspheming the written Word of God when I do not love and obey my husband. Therefore, I am laying down my campaign against him concerning this issue. And, as far as I am concerned, it is God's business to direct my husband and convict him. I am trusting God."

*taken from "Created to be his Help Meet"

1 comment:

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