Monday, February 7, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 13 of 24

Wow in reading this chapter of Debi's book and making my own notes I had not realized out of 12 mysteries in the Bible that only one was Great and then to learn which one is Great was even more interesting!
Ephesians 5:32-33 "This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church....
and the wife see that she reverence her husband."
Mystery is defined as; something hidden from human knowledge and fitted to inspire a sense of awe; especially something incomprehensible through being above human intelligence. An enigma; anything artfully made difficult."

*A wise woman understands that her husband's need to be honored is not based on his performance, but on his nature and his God-ordained position. She learns quickly to defer to his ideas or plans with enthusiasm. She looks for ways to reverence him. She knows this is God's Will for her life.

WOW!!! That is a lot for us as wives to know and do! I'm human just as the rest of you and trust me no matter how much I try it's not always easy to be enthusiastic about his plans. However, I am saved, and I do know that, that is what God wants so I do best. Sometimes the enthusiasm is because God says we're suppose. Which I will say is fine especially if you are just learning to be the Help Meet you are meant to be.

**Jesus wants us for a friend. As I was reading the things Jesus wants goes RIGHT along with what a husband and wife should have! Such as companion, discuss things with, a playmate, someone to laugh and cry with, someone to enjoy life with. Jesus wants a buddy, lover, help meet, someone to share his work with, he like your husband wanted is to be a groom and he wants the church as his bride. This is GREAT Mystery I mentioned earlier.

*He seems to create in me and my relationship to my  husband a working scale model of his relationship to the Church throughout eternity.

WOW!!! Look at this Jesus wants from us his Children, the same we as wives are to be and do with our MAN!!! *Knowing tat my role as a wife typifies the Church's relationship to Christ has molded my life.
This is completely amazing, wonderful and inspirational. My relationship to Christ is to be the same with my MAN the one I vowed to LOVE, HONOR, OBEY My Husband!!
Looking back at Ephesians 5:32 "This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church...and the wife see the she reverence her husband"
1. Obedience - doing what you know the other person wants
2. Submission - giving your heart over to the other person.
3. Reverence - this is more than  just doing what a man request or demands. It's the act of the woman's will to treat him with a high degree of regard and awe.

The above 3 things are acts of your will not on feelings. It's not I'll obey him today because I feel like it. NO
It's a will that we do these things.

Are you ready for this....*God entrusted to a man and his wife the opportunity, as a married couple, to be a living picture of this great mystery!" What an awesome thought!!
God the perfect one, entrusted to you and I, the wife, along with our husband to be a LIVING picture of his GREAT Mystery.

You say ok all this is good, but my husband is unsaved. What do I do then.
I Peter 3:1 "Likewise ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives."
*In today's churches, many women have failed to win their husbands because they have tried to be evangelists instead of wives.
A woman wins her husband, by the manner of conversation or way of living before him. We will discuss later how to win your lost husband. If you are reading this and your husband is unsaved just cont to do as this lesson has taught thus far.

Start a New Habit: *Try to show your husband noticeable esteem at least 3 times a day. Plan small habits you can establish that will make it easier to remember, until giving him deference comes naturally.

There's some exciting and new things in this lesson hope you enjoyed it.
*taken from "Created to be his Help Meet"
**Didn't copy the whole thing word for word but most of it is from Debi's book.


Completely7 said...

Please pray for my father-in-law Danny. He is lost. Thanks Helen

Our7isheaven said...

I will be praying! My husband prayed for 30 yrs for his Dad and Mom to be saved and last yr on Feb 28th they both accepted Christ as their Saviour. Today my wonderful Mother in law is in heaven.