Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Being the Help Meet you were meant to be. 8 of 24

The boys are working on their Bible verses so I thought I'd work on our next lesson. I pray you're enjoying these thus far.

Today is having the Wisdom to understand your man.
*A wise woman learns to adapt to her husband.

Did you realize there are 3 kinds of men. When I read this chapter in Debi's book I was like, WOW!! But as you and I think of it there are different types of men. They are Mr Command Man, Mr Visionary and Mr Steady. We'll touch a little on each one and how we can have the wisdom needed to understand which one our husband is!

*If you fight his inadequacies, both of you will fail. If you love him and support him with his inadequacies and witA hout taking charge, both of you will succeed and grow.
The Key to understanding your husband: *Wisdom is knowing what you "brought" when you married that man, and learning to adapt to him as he is, not as you want him to be.
*God gives imperfect women to imperfect men so they can be heirs together of the grace of life and become something more together than either one of them would ever be alone.

Now's to look at the different types of men and how you may have the wisdom to know how you should be with him.
*It is very important for you to learn how to make an appeal without challenging his authority.
*God is Dominant -- a sovereign and all powerful God. He is also visionary -- omniscient and desirous of carrying out his plans. And, God is steady -- the same yesterday, and today, and forever, our faithful High Priest. Most men epitomize one of these three aspects of God.

A command Man will walk out leaving his wife, he seems to sufficient to himself. If you are married to a command husband you will need to earn your place in his heart by showing him that you will stand by him. You will be faithful, loyal, and obedient, your husband will see you have his confidence. *A King wants a Queen, which is why a man in command wnats a faithful wife to share his fame and glory.

*His vision is like a man looking from a mountaintop; he sees the destant goal. If your husband is saved or unsaved, when he is treated with Honor and reverence, a good hlep meet will find that her man will be wonderfully protective and supportive.

Now is to look at Mr Visionary, *Learn how to be flexible and learn how to always be loyal to your man. God is a Visionary as seen in his person, The Holy Spirit. A visionary is consumed with a need to communicate with his words, music, writing, voice, art or action. He can seem like a voice crying in the wilderness.
*Greatness is a state of soul, not certain accomplishments.
As the wife you need to learn flexiblity and learn how to always be loyal to your husband!
*It will be your face he looks into to see the marvel of what a great thing he has done. When a man is a visionary person, he needs to know he has HIS woman's support!!!

Mr Steady.... *God is as steady as an eternal rock, caring, providing, and faithful, like a priest - like Jesus Christ! *Your husband's gentleness is not a weakness; it is his strength. Your husband's hesitation is not indecision; it is cautious wisdom. *Let him be the one God made him to be: a still, quiet, thoughtful presence-for you!

Know your Man!!
Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man (a wife also) of understanding will draw it out Proverbs 20:5
*Stop trying to stir him up to anger...
*Let him be the one God made him to be; a still, quiet, thoughtful presence - for you!!

To sum it all up:
1. The wife of Mr Command can ruin her marriage by failing to honor, believe, and reverence her husband authority and rule.
2. The wife of Mr Visionary can run her marriage by failing to follow, believe, and participate as an enthusiast in her husband's dreams and visions.
3. The wife of Mr Steady can ruin her marriage by failing to appriciate, wait on, and be thankful for her husbands pleasant qualities.

A successful wife
1. The wife of Mr Command can heal her marriage by becoming his adoring Queen. Honoring, obeying him (reasonable and unreasonable) She will dress, act, and speak so at to bring honor everywhere she goes.
2. The wife of Mr Visionary can heal her marriage by laying aside her own dreams and aspirations and embracing her role as help meet to her man. Believe in him, and be willing to follow him with joyful participation in the path he's chosen.
3. The wife of Mr Steady can heal her marriage by joyfully realizing what a friend, lover, and companion she has been given, living that gratitude, verbally and actively. Stop trying to change him, he will grow. Then you can willing take up tasks that will fill your time and give your husband joy and satisfaction when he sees her productiveness.

*Keep in mind most men are a little of all three types, but tend to be stronger in one.

*taken from "Created to be His Help Meet"

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