Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sunshine - Bright Side Living

Do you bring a Ray of Sunshine into people's lives? Whenever you are going through life, doing your shopping, going to church, going to school, even going to work do people say something like "Here comes Sunshine" or Well, here comes the gloom of the day.....

If we decide daily to live on the Bright side and bring a ray of sunshine into others lives when you walk into room or crowd of people they will be happy to see you. Not because you're the life of the Party but because you are Positive and uplifting and a joy to be around.

I had this as a opener for one of my monthly ladies meeting I was to have this year. It's more of a challenge to be a Positive person and encourage those who will become a Ray of Sunshine. Can you live on the bright side of life and share a little of that sunshine as you go through life?!

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