Monday, May 16, 2011

Silk and Purple - Provision

God's provision in a world that believes we're falling apart, no way to make it, no possible to come out of this financial mess. Well, if you are reading this guess what? There's hope through Jesus Christ!

Philippians 4:19 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.'
This is one of my favorite verses!! Notice its says "need" not needs, why is this? From sermons I've heard and from what I believe is the reason is because, yes, we have many needs; however, God sees it as a NEED! God will supply ALL your NEED he doesn't need to show that it's plural because he will simply care for it ALL! I love that fact that I look to God, yes, I'm to do my part in helping care but our wonderful Lord sees, Knows, and cares for us.
Read II Kings 4:1 - 7
II Kings 4:2a "What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house?...." The story here is about a widow, she did all she could then went to the man of God for more help. She saw the NEED to get help. She knew to depend on God and God's people to help care for NEED.

1. God provides for the Preachers family.
2. God provides for the Preachers wife.
3. God provides for the woman who's husband fears the Lord.
4. God provides and sends his blessings and provisions, all he ask is that we follow Him.
5. God provides for the godly wife and mom!

A challenge for you is to get a piece of paper and just start listing the things God has provided for you.
Then don't just stop there, but thank him for all his provisions.
God is a God of provisions! He wants to provide your every NEED! Let Him.


Completely7 said...

If we with ink the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made, if every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade. I stiil could not list all God has done for me. Good post. I am very thankful. Helen

Our7isheaven said...

That's the song I could think of!! Thank you for adding it!