Thursday, May 26, 2011

Remember You Are Somebody!!!

I'm copying this directly from the booklet I've used some throughout this series of lessons.

Go go Psalm 139 often, and read that wonderful passage again and again, realizing how much God loves you. You are somebody! God sent His son to die for YOU. You are priceless. You are forgiven of every wrong thing that you've ever done. You don't have to compare yourself to anyone else because you are special in your own right. You can fill a place nobody else can fill.

You need to get up tomorrow and dress one who is going to rule someday - not a dunce, not a nobody, not a person without talents, not a person with no worth, but someone who will rule someday. Self-worth is a necessity of life.

Begin today loving yourself. You will still feel unworthy at times, but you need never feel worthless.

If you fail to plan you plan to fail. Don't plan to fail in this matter of accepting whom you are in God's eyes. Doing so will help you reach out to others because you have accepted who you are in God's eyes. YOU are somebody!

Jeremiah 31;3 b "Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee."

Friends, wives, moms, children, husbands anyone who reads this please realize YOU are somebody and you were made by God.

I pray that this short series is help to someone somewhere.

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