Monday, May 23, 2011

For I am fearfully and wonderfully made....

Good Evening, I'm having a fairly good day. This would of been out sooner but I've had a major headache most of the day and I also was trying to get ready for my daughter. She came home from college today and it's been WONDERFUL having her here and it's only been since 6:30 this evening!!!
I'm loving it cause some of her friends have already stopped by to see her.

So on to our lesson today, remember to get your mirror and your Bible, and Read Psalm 139. After you are done with that then we'll cont on.

Decide to Accept Yourself, you say, But Paula you don't understand! Maybe I don't, but I do understand that you have to Accept yourself for who you are. God made us as we are, Read Psalm 139: 14 "....for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:...." God made you special!!

If you say but I don't like.....Keep in mind somethings cannot change!!!
Maybe you don't like your nose, yea you can have cosmetic surgery but will you truly be happy with it?! Why not accept the way God made you! He made you tall, short, big feet, or however, it's because he see's you as YOU!! GOD MADE YOU!!!!

Take these things and say, "All right, Lord, I accept them. THis is how You chose to make me. I now recognize that YOU made me with certain strengths and weaknesses. Every other person You ever created has them, too. I now accept the ones I cannot change. I call this decision self-acceptance!!!

One you do this you WILL be able to look in that mirror you have beside you and say, THANK YOU Lord for makeing me the way you did!

Now what are 2 Great Commandments that Jesus gave us in the Bible?
The one we want to look at is, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Lev 19:18
Look at this commandment: Since God commanded that we love our neighbour as ourself, we realy don't have choice but to obey it.
As a wife you don't have a choice to obey your husband.
As people we don't have a choice to love our neighbours.
Then we notice, "as thyself" so this is a 2 fold commandment.
First - a person to like, accept and love yourself as God made YOU>
Second - You are to love your neighbour in the same way!

So over the next 24 hrs see what you do, or change in your thoughts on how to Accept yourself. I have a dear friend who has some self-esteem problems and I will never say or indicate who he/she is. But I believe that this person through the way they dress, present themselves, change maybe attitudes, could get to where they accpet who they are. God has a purpose for you and for me.

However if you are constantly cutting yourself down, think negative about yourself, convincing yourself you are not worth it. When you start feeling or thinking this way Read Ps 139 I don't care if you have to read it 10 times a day. As Christians YOU/I NEED to Accept YOURSELF!!!

Ladies, or men. It's so important that we accept who God made us as. Do you believe God makes no mistakes? Then why would you say, you can't accept who you are?! You are saying to God, You made a mistake when you made me. How untrue is that?! God Made You! Look in your mirror and way it God Made Me! God Made Me! God Made Me! You will eventally believe it if you don't already! YOU ARE SOMEBODY!!!!

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