Thursday, May 19, 2011

For I am fearfully and wonderfully made....

Good afternoon! I hope you are having a great day! I know we have :) House is cleaned, school is done for the yr, school room/living room cleaned out doesn't look like we ever home schooled in here :) Love the change for the 3 short months. I certainly hope as you prepare for your summer that you too can see changes in your home, your life, the way you look at yourself. So are we ready to go into the next lesson? I pray you read yesterdays and let me remind you, you will again need your mirror and Bible for today's lesson.

Before we start take the time to Read Psalm 139.

Question for you... Are you locked in a Cocoon?
Do you feel like the caterpillar who is looking for his food?
Maybe, you feel like the unattractive caterpillar who's in the cocoon who's waiting to be a butterfly or moth. Remember, no one can make you what you need to be or ought to be, there's not another human who can do that for you. Only you can break out of the cocoon and spread your beautiful wings.

Does your church have Ladies meetings? Maybe you should attend them and reap what you can from the teachings. The Lord has blessed ladies with the ability to teach and help others. Now this won't change you unless you allow the Holy Spirit to work through you. Remember YOU ARE Fearfully and wonderfully made. You can read books, listen to tapes/CD's now :) They will inspire you, however YOU have to realize that you are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made and that YOU have to decide to make the change.

May I remind you: YOU ARE SOMEBODY!!!!!! God made you dear lady to be the wife you are, to be the mom you are or maybe in the future, to be the teacher you are, to be the friend you are, YOU ARE SOMEBODY!!!!!

Dear lady, Guess what???? God, himself, no one else Made You! He chose to Make YOU! He made YOU, with say a crocked nose, or freckles, or maybe you think your hair is the wrong color HE made YOU! GOD MADE WHO????  YOU!!!! YOU ARE SOMEBODY!!!! You were fearfully and wonderfully made!!!!

Say the following as you look in your mirror: GOD MADE ME!!! GOD MADE ME THE WAY I AM!!!! Now you just need to accept who you are.

Some of you maybe have decided that you're no body that you aren't needed. You are WRONG!! You are needed why? YOU ARE SOMEBODY!!!

Some of you say what can do for the church, I go as I'm suppose to, I tithe, that's enough. NOPE!!! You ARE SOMEBODY and you CAN contribute ALOT to the church, the world, Your family. Remember YOU ARE SOMEBODY!!! Why? because God made you and you are fearfully and wonderfully made!!!

As you end today Read Psalm 139: 1-17 and see what God has done and thinks of you.

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