Wednesday, May 18, 2011

For I am fearfully and wonderfully made....

Good morning! I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but it's rainy and sunny at the same time here in WV. We're under flood watches in area, our drive floods very easily so it's a constant watch to make sure the garage doesn't flood :) Never a dull moment AMEN!! You know what I like about blogs, us ladies can say Amen and not be out of line :D LOL  love it :)

Well, I'm excited about this new lesson I was packing up somethings an came across a booklet written by Mrs Beverly Hyles, I was surprised I'd never read it. So I sat down and read it, and as I go through life from day to day I see wives, moms, teachers, friends, women in general who really are depressed, and act as though they really don't know who they are or why they even exist. It's so sad when we are "...fearfully and wonderfully made...." Think about it God made each of us as a unique individual, if your an identical twin the two of you are unique in your own way. Back about 4 yrs ago I was really going through some things and my Pastor, a very wise and godly man suggested I read Psalm 139 every day finding something different each day to learn from. I did this for almost 3 mo and WOW!! Now I read Psalm 139 once a wk. You may ask why do you cont to read it like this? Well, you will see as we go through these lessons and prayerfully if you are having/going through something it will help you also. I promise you, it was amazing how it helped me and changed me. Some of what I'm going to share with you is from my own life and some will be from the booklet that was written by Mrs Beverly Hyles, a very godly lady and a lady whom I greatly admire, my former Pastors wife.

You say, Paula, really I'm no one special. Wait, you are special! I believe you, even though I may of NEVER met you, are special in God's eyes and he made you so that's reason enough to decided today that YOU ARE SPECIAL.
You say, but I'm not pretty.
I'm not smart.
No body ask me to help with _________________ and whatever it is.
I never get ask to be part of plays or weddings or whatever.
You know what? I use to think if I wasn't asked to be in things or help with things that it was because I was plain, not popular, I was (for some you, you'll say what? You?) shy so nobody thought I could do whatever the job or request was. That was wrong, you don't have to popular, or out spoken or pretty to do the things God has for you.

So as you read these lessons you will need with; your Bible and a mirror.
The mirror is so you can look at your outer beauty as your read this.
The Bible is because EVERY Christian lady needs to examine her heart!

Read Psalm 139: 1 - 17
Every lady should read this and memorize it. (I'm working on the memorization part now)
In these 17 verse's you'll see how much you really mean to God.

Over the 3 months that I was reading this passage every day, God did a work through me that I honestly believe was due to the fact I realized that even though my husband and family had been hurt emotionally and spiritually God let me see that He LOVES ME and cares for me and thinks I'm a wonderful person. I won't go into detail, but we moved to WV from another state and we basically had been told we would never make it, and that we were not good enough to do what we were going to do. The Devil was winning and we were low. BUT, a man of God saw good in the Seavey family and saw a family who needed to "rebuild". As I met with my Pastor he lead me to this passage of scripture and he lead my husband to a passage our teen children in a direction. Our family is now a thriving, growing family who loves the Lord. Now we never stopped loving God and we knew he was in control. However now we are stronger and we all know that we are "...fearfully and wonderfully made...."

As you look at your life and what God can and will do with your remember:
He's everywhere; omnipresence is an attribute of our wonderful God.
He's behind us; He's beside us.
He knows our thoughts - every little things about us.

Ps 139:14, God says that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made." Each of us! No one is not in this realm. God didn't say ok, you, you, and you can't be included this verse. NO he included you and me!!!

Now did you get your mirror? If not go and get it now. You need to pick it up look at yourself for 15 seconds (time it). As you look at yourself think about what you notice as you read verse 14: "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
WHO is a marvelous work of God?
WHO is fearfully and wonderfully made?

Congratulations! IT"S YOU!!!! The person you stared at for 15 seconds in the mirror was YOU, YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made! YOU are somebody!!!

The things that God did through me in this passage he can do for you! Start today reading Psalm 139 every day, maybe you need to read more than once day. Please read it and help yourself realize you are special!!

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