Monday, October 10, 2011

Are you Negative or Positive?

I was talking with my boys today about being negative and how it begins and how we can change that. Now before you close this page please read on. Negative people can destroy not only a person, but a couple, a family, a congregation YES negative people can destroy more than they realize.

Last night our preacher spoke on "Are you Revival Stopper?" Well one of his many many points was being a negative person. That hit at home, are we negative, have we been negative so much that we don't even realize we're being negative? A person can lie so much that they believe their own lies. So that could go with being negative also.

Nehemiah 6:3 "And I sent messengers unto them, saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you?"

When you have gossip or negative talk to spread and you call or go to a person who is working and serving the Lord you are actually preventing the work to cont. It takes the one you want to pull down, listening to you. If the person continues in what they are doing and you stand there a talk they are hearing and the negative you are spreading is hurting them. Satan can then use what you have said to pull them down, and then they if they don't stay in their Bible and prayer to do as you did to them.

I have several friends that I love dearly, but I have to be careful how much time I spend with them. Why? when they decide to complain, gossip, and be negative I can't be around it. Why? I have a husband and 5 children I need to protect and make sure they are not hearing that from me!

So, the thought for today, "Are you a negative or Positive person?" How do you influence those around youJ?

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