Saturday, February 16, 2013


Obedience brings God's blessings. This statement was in my sons History Pace and while he was doing the work he said to me. "Mom, you know this is so true." Now my son is 13, and when he was 3 we moved into an RV where his bed was table top when collapsed. ALL of his toys went into a little box that was not very large. I forget the dimensions now, but out of the 5 children Jason learned at an earlier age about blessings from God.

Now I don't mean that the other children didn't see blessings from God but Jason learned about blessings in a different way at the age of 3 than the other 4. The others had seen God bless our family but not the way they and Jason would see over the next 4 yrs of living on the road. Living by faith and depending fully on God to provide what we needed from day to day.

So in accordance with Obedience brings God's Blessings what are some things that God would bless you for?
Reading your Bible
Praying Daily
Following His will not yours
Obeying your elders
The list could go on but these are the ones that came to my mind immediately upon thinking of this topic. Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth: but thou shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therin: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."  We can receive blessing from God through meditating on his word.
"Pray without ceasing." Through prayer we not only see prayers answered but we receive blessings from those prayers. For example when we were on deputation my children were praying for Bikes since we had the RV they could be stored and the kids would have something to do when we were parked. Well, our first Christmas on the road we were in NC. They had prayed from Thanksgiving to Christmas for bikes. Christmas eve a man at a church came up to my husband and I and said, "I noticed your children don't have scooters or bikes." We replied yes sir, however they are praying they'll get something for Christmas. This gentleman handed my husband an envelope and said there's enough money for 5 scooters!!! The children Jason at the age of 3, Samuel 5, Caleb 8, Paul 9 and Tabitha 10 all saw their prayers answered!!! See they prayed without ceasing they believed in their God that he would answer their prayers. We as well as the man who gave us the money got the blessing of seeing 5 very happy children Christmas morning!
Have you ever questioned, Why do I need to tithe? Well, the Lord has things he wants to give you but if you don't tithe he can't bless you. If you don't give that which is God's to him, he Can't bless you! My husband has a story he has shared many times about when he worked for Bath Iron Works (now this was before we met) Bill had gotten saved, started tithing as he was taught. Well this particular wk he thought he had deposited his check into his account..... before I get ahead of myself let me back up. Bill paid his bills that wk but had told the Lord I can't tithe to you this wk because I have an unexpected expense. The next wk he took his pay check and went to the bank. The banker says Mr Seavey we are so happy to see you. Bill was like ok, well I come in every wk, the lady says no sir we didn't see you last wk and your account is overdrawn. Bill preceded to explain how he cam in opened his wallet and deposited...... WHAT? there was his check from the wk before in wallet! His over draft fees was EXACTLY the amount that his tithe would have been that wk. See the Lord can't bless if we don't give our tithe, but he will get his tithe one way or another. What blessings did he miss out on that wk or what could God of done through him that he didn't because he didn't tithe? We receive our blessing from God by Obedience.
Following God will. Now in a post a few days ago I talked about this. So I'll not belabor this point. But just think of all the blessing you could be receiving but aren't because your doing your will and not Gods. Just something to seriously think on.
Obeying our elders.... "Children obey your parents in the Lord for this right" I think this is pretty clear, but obedience to your parents, your pastor, your elders, God! well, it's pretty important. You want to receive blessing or be a blessing? Obey your Elders.
Friends, Obedience brings God's blessings is true!!
My children at ages 10, 9, 8, 5 and 3 saw that because Dad and Mom were obeying God they were being blessed, they were being faithful, they were obeying the Lord.
What can you do to show your children that you want God's blessings on your life?

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