Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Keepers at Home

Titus 2: 4-5 "That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to lover their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home...."

Keepers - Being on guard, watching, caretaker
Home - Seat of domestic life

In today's world women work out of the home just about as much as the men work. Is this wrong, not necessarily but I believe that God intended for us as wives and mom to be the keeper of the home. After all he has the term "keepers at home" in the Bible.

Think about it, is your house really a home if your gone all day not making it nice and neat. Cleaning an taking care of that which makes your house a home. I worked out of the home for a total of 3 yrs of my 20 yrs of marriage. The first yr I worked out of the home we had no children, but I found that keeping my house clean and looking like a home for us hard to do. I did it, one we had no children so there was little to clean, 2nd it was nice to have the house clean when hubby came home.
The next yrs I worked we have 5 children and even though I worked part time I just couldn't keep up. You say but part time why not? Well if you are from a large family there's at least 3 loads of laundry a day, constantly doing dishes, cooking ALOT so much to do. Maybe you can do it, if you can wonderful. We felt though that our house looking like a home was more important than have more money.

So are you a keeper at home? I'm not saying your wrong to work out of the home in today's world some times you have to. I feel for those who can't choose to work or not. I know that many families MUST have both mom and dad work. As a matter of fact it may come to that soon for us. BUT as long as I can be the wife and mom who stays home and takes care of my husband, children and house I will do that first!

So, as a wife and mom re think what you want to do.... all the money you can get or be the one that your husband and children need by being the keeper at home who takes care of the domestic things.

To learn more about this you could buy the book "Created to be His Help Meet" by Debi Pearl

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