Thursday, May 3, 2012

Trust in the Lord

I know since January I've talked about Faith, trust and depending alot. However I reason to, for those who are new on Jan 3 my husband lost his job this is now May 3 and he JUST today got a temporary job that will help.

You say, how in the world did you make it for that long with no job. Well, we trusted in the Lord, we had faith that God would take care of us and we simply depended on the Lord.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all they ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct thy path. Proverbs 3: 5 & 6

See, on Jan 3 when my husband came home in the middle of the day, I knew in my heart he had lost his job. That evening, Wed to be exact, on way out to church we receive a call. A man in our church who knew absolutely NOTHING about what happened that day, had a deer for us!!! AMEN

Then we had food from a family who doesn't know us from Adams house cat provide, more deer, home canned food, personal needs plus soooo much more!

Another member in our church gave us so much food I literally had troubles finding a place for it. This was all with in 2 wks of when my husband lost his job.

Basically since the 2nd wk of December I have bought only a few things grocery wise!! My normal grocery bill with 4 teen boys, a husband, and myself is around $200 a month. Since Jan 3 I've not spent more than $50 a wk an that was just for little things we ran out of or needed.

Then as I mentioned in a post with in the last wk, our church had a big day. We went all out, we didn't know how we would get gas to make the trips needed (we live 1/2 an hr from our church).  It's a 50 mile round trip, well when you have a gas hog for a vehicle you do what you can.
The results for us just going and not worrying about it were outstanding and worth giving God the glory.

So 4 mo later to the date since my dear husband lost his job, he has another job. Why? I believe that God saw we didn't stay home from church because we didn't know how we would get home. I believe that he saw that when it was time for bus ministry we went. When it was time for teen soul winning we had the boys there!

I could go on and on, but if you are struggling.... Trust in the Lord! He will take of you!!!

1 comment:

Our7isheaven said...

Correction that is $200 a wk!