Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Truthful Tuesday

Truthfulness - describing facts, figures and circumstances correctly.

Zachariah 8:16 "These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gates."

My son saw this an ask, "Why do you have today as truthful Tuesday?" I told him as we learn a verse a wk with a character trait I was doing a daily character trait on my blog. His next response I absolutely loved. "But Mom, aren't we suppose to be truthful on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday?" I replied to him yes we are but this is just for my blog.

I have sat here a little bit thinking about what Samuel asked me. You know how many of us actually feel we only need to truthful on certain days?! Samuel has the right idea, and I'm so thankful that he realizes that truthfulness is important no matter what day it is.

In dealing with one of my other children yesterday on sarcasm, truthfulness, and other things I was wondering. Does he see me being truthful daily? Is the reason he's acting this way, is because he sees Mom and Dad not always doing right? Now we all know we're human and we all know we make mistakes my question though, is:
1. When your talking on facebook, the phone, texting, instant message are you really truthful?
2. When you are telling your husband the events of the day do you tell him the whole truth or do you sugar coat it?
3. Are we Mrs/Ms truthful at church and at home lie about everything?

Truthfulness is so very important, as I've trained my children you may get in trouble when you tell the truth but you'll feel better about it in the long run. Why? You lie about this, then you have to cover that lie with another lie, and another lie to cover the first 2 lies and it just get bigger and bigger and the guilt grows until once the truth does come out. People have a hard time believing you.

So why don't we all, children and adults decided today not to truthful just when we feel like it but ALL the time!
Zachariah 8:16 "These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgement of truth and peace in your gates."


Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed the devotionals you do. Thank you,


Our7isheaven said...

Alisha thank you. I enjoy doing this and sharing what I learn from my Bible studies and everyday life experiences.