Monday, September 13, 2010

A Friend Loveth....

Proverbs 17:17a "A friend loveth at all times...."

Are you a friend who loves at all times or do you love as long as it's going your way? I asked myself that the other day. I was having a rough day, and to be honest thought no body cared nobody really wanted to know what Paula was going through.
UNTIL.... a friendcall me and asked how my day was going? Now I started to tell her EVERYTHING then I said, No, I'll be honest but not whine and complain. You know before the conversation was over without my complaining I was feeling better and I knew God had her call for a reason. He was just showing me that through a friend he loved me!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!

I watch children as they play and literally in a 5 min period they are best friends and enemies. I laugh cause we as adults do the same. We let our feelings, Satan, get into our minds and play games w/us. We need to focus on the fact that God never leaves us and He's always there no matter what. On earth he gives us those friends who loves at all times. Praise the Lord for true friends.

I could list all kinds of people that are friends, but I don't want to forget anyone. So w/out saying names there's one person whom I've known for some time now. If I ever need a laugh, a shoulder to cry on, or a listening ear I can depend on her! I pray that I'm that kind of friend to all who call me friend.

So I ask you, Are you a friend that loveth at all times?
OR are you the friend who one minute you love then next you're their enemy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful and oh how true!!!!!!!!!!! You made me cry reading this because we can all relate to this. It is so hard to find a friend that loves us no matter what. Through back surgery I can really relate. I have been in and out of the hospital with dehydration and trying to rest and recover. Well the only calls I get are people venting. I had a friend call yesterday and all she did was talk about herself.. I wanted to whine.. lol I did turn it over to God after deep conviction set it. God never fails us!!!! God is good in the pain, the dehydration, the good and the bad. I love Him so much!!!

thank You for writing this!!!!!!
Love You so much girl!!!!