Monday, June 10, 2013

Saying Good bye is/can be, hard to do...

Over the past several weeks I've said good bye to friends and family, not due to death but because we live in Maine, and they live in WV, KY, IN or wherever. It's not easy for me to say good bye for the simple reason I love these people!

The Bible tells us we are to Love one another! Well, I've been told I've taken that way to seriously, who knows maybe I have, maybe I haven't. I do know though I love many, many people. The thing is when I have to say good bye after a visit my love for that person or persons has grown stronger because I have gotten closer to that person during our visit. Many times I cry as we drive away, or as they drive away, because a little piece of me has left.

I'm using this to say, in the Bible we are told to love another. I know in today's world when one says they love you they may or may not mean it. The word Love is thrown around in a way that sometimes one may not know if you truly mean "I love you" or if your just using words. This is why I don't tell one I love them, till it's evident in my life that I love them.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 What kind of love do you suppose the Lord had for the world? A flippant love or a true Agape love? Well, since the Lord gave His ONLY Son to die for our sins I would say he had a great love for us, Agape Love!

My grandmother is 92 yrs of age she's been saved since she was a little girl. Today she is in a hospital having suffered a stroke on this past Saturday. We have no idea if she'll pull out of this. HOWEVER Grandma knows she's going to heaven and she knows her children Love her. Grandma also LOVES scripture and although she doesn't respond like and you and I do, she has shown her joy in various ways when anyone reads the Bible to her! She LOVES God's word. I would say, Grandma has a GREAT love for the Bible, God and her family. Would someone be able to say this of you when you are on your death bed. I've not seen my Grandma in several yrs, but she knows I love her because I stay in touch with her. Stay in touch with your family and friends let them know you care and that you Love them, pray for them, be an encouragement. Don't contact them when only when you are in need, call them sometime and say what I can I do for YOU! Show Christ love by doing for others!!

I know theres not been a lot "deep" thoughts on love, but next time you tell someone "I Love you" think about it. Do you really LOVE them?

Yes saying good bye is hard to do! However when we have a love that's true as Christ does it will and can go a long ways!

1 comment:

David C Brown said...

... love endures all things ...