Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Heart that's Devoted

Are you devoted  to God? I know the last few post I've done on either of my blogs I have mentioned my recent accident, but may I say that accident although I don't understand why God allowed it to happen if for no other reason it was to bring me closer to Him. I have been questioned how in the world can you say God let you be involved in something that could have been so fatal and in the same breath say it was to possibly or it was to bring you closer to him.

First let me say, although I don't understand it all, especially on the vehicle end of it all, why I had this accident, I don't know. Why, what would have been our 2nd vehicle was totaled, I don't know. Why, my seat belt didn't hold, I don't know. Why God allowed me to live but not even 2 miles away a family lost there 24 yr old son in a car accident just hours after I had mine, I don't know. Yes, I have questioned why? BUT friend a long time ago I gave my life to the Lord. Have I always done right, no. I'm not perfect, but I have tried to be pleasing to my Saviour in several ways. The key being my topic, "A Heart that's Devoted!"

See, I'm not 100% the Proverbs 31 lady (at least in my eyes, I don't think I am) I do all I can to be that Proverbs 31 lady but it doesn't always happen. Reason being, I'm HUMAN!

"Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies" Proverbs 31:10
I'm going to give a few points on how I believe that I'm "A heart that's devoted."

1. I'm devoted to my husband - When I said "I do" I meant it. It was and still is this day till death do us part. We joke that death will be because of this or that but I LOVE my husband and you know I pity the person who tries to break up our marriage. Reason being HE IS MINE! I am devoted with my whole heart to William P III!

2. I'm devoted to my children - ALL 5 by birth and #6 through marriage :) I love my children and I'm devoted to them to be there when they need me. To listen when they need a listening ear. To discipline when they need correction. I LOVE Tom, Tabitha, Paul IV, Caleb, Samuel and Jason

3. I'm devoted to my Lord - Do I fail him? YES but I'm devoted to serve him, to love him and to Praise him!

4. I'm devoted to my Bible - THE KING JAMES BIBLE

5. I'm devoted to my church - Second Baptist Church is MY CHURCH! I'm devoted Not to the building but the church, THE PEOPLE! I love the members of my church!

6. I'm devoted to my friends - You say friends? YES Friends are important and I'm devoted to them.

See my heart is devoted to several people and things. Why? God wants me to be devoted, not half hearted about life but to give me all and to be what He created me to be. Am I perfect LOL NO.
Am I better than others NO. Do I think because I write these things on a blog for the world to see that I'm some great scholar, NO! I am simply Paula Micheal, born and raised in the South, grew up in church and Christian school, attended Bible college had some of the greatest Men of God as my Pastor through the years. Who met a Godly man who wanted to/and is serving God.

See on Thursday 2/20, which I don't remember, but maybe I said/didn't say or should have done something different, who knows, except the Lord. However, that accident sure has set me thinking, I wasn't going to share this but I feel the Lord would have me share this. On Sunday 2/23, my husband and boys had come in from church (I had gone but needed to return home early) my boys were in their rooms and my husband was going over his evening sermon. I walked into the room and burst into tears, all I could say to him was, "I could have Killed us all Thursday!" I believe I said it two or three times. My dear husband just hugged me and kept saying, "But you didn't, God has a great things planned for our family." He even assured me that it wasn't my fault and that I was one of the best drivers he knew. Friend things that happen in our lives isn't always our fault, sometimes it's allowed to happen for a reason. I believe with all my heart that, 11:45 A.M. Thursday, of Feb 20th was for a reason. What? I really don't know yet except that I decided to:
1. Be more devoted to God
2. Pray more for those who live their lives in Pain and hurting EVERY day.
3. To serve my God like I've never served him before.

So friend, let me ask you, "Are you fully devoted to God with your whole Heart?'



Carolyn H. said...

God truly does have great things in store for your family. Your family's dedication and faithfulness to the Lord is amazing in the face of trials.

Thank you, Paula, for sharing your heart like you do. God gives you great wisdom to share with others.

Our7isheaven said...

We are looking forward to see what God is going to do. Not only with our family, but the church.