Monday, March 17, 2014

Casting your care upon, whom?

Friend who do you cast your cares upon? Do you depend on self? Do you go to your peers? Or do you go to the Lord?

I Peter 5:7 clearly states that we can cast our cares on the Lord and he will care for you. Now I don't know about you but I'd rather go to one who cares for me than to depend on self or another person.

A dear friend of mine has been through the fire, and she realized that the only one who could truly help her was her Saviour. In a few months I'm going to be asking her to share her story here on my blog. She and I were raised basically the same, but our choices lead us different directions. However a little over a year ago, the Lord allowed our paths to cross again. I praise the Lord that my dear friend has come back to the right choice. I will not go into details but she needs prayer things aren't all roses for her, but her future is bright. So friend what are your concerns, worries, fears? Let me suggest that you "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."

If you are unsaved and don't understand how God could care for you, please message me and I will be more than happen to share with you the Gospel. We serve a mighty God, a loving God and God who wants you in His family!

I'm a child of the king! I've been adopted into his family and wouldn't trade it for the world!!

*The picture above was done by Paula Joiner Chapman

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