Monday, February 11, 2013

Your will, not mine

John 4:34
" do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work."
Mark 3:35
For whosoever shall do the will of God....
Philippians 2:13
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

In August my husband was approached about taking the pastorate of a church, at the time we weren't sure what we were doing exactly. We had just left WV and alot had happened there. We were literally heartbroken and simply didn't know what God was doing in our lives. From Jan 3, to May 31 was one struggle after the other, then July brought heartache, then August we made the decision to move all our belongs to Maine, leaving a son still in high school in WV and my daughter who was already a long way from home going further away from her. This literally was making me an emotional wreck.

As a woman, I needed security and honestly didn't feel I had it. We didn't have our own home, we technically didn't have a vehicle, we had to move in with my husbands dad, so many things were happening. Our world as some would say had been turned upside and shaken like a milk shake :)

I have a very dear friend back in WV whom, I texted or talked to regularly about what was going on. She was such an encouragement to me, as well as a Pastors wife here in Maine whom I've known for many yrs. These two wonderful ladies were such a tremendous help, as well as my husband who did all he could to help me through even though he also was struggling with not knowing God's will.

Well in, I believe, October we had a fall revival at our church. After the revival I really struggled with giving in to Gods will. I knew in 2003 when we left Bible college that we were going to Canada. Then in 2007 that door was closed for several reasons of which I'll not go into. Then our life seem to settle down and things seemed to be "normal" again. From 2007 to May of 1012 I would of told anyone, we are serving God here in WV the rest of our lives. Our children were very actively involved in our church there and all was going GREAT!! THEN as you've already read things literally turned our world upside down.

About a month ago I was having a few health issues and I knew, or felt as though God was saying I can make this worse or you can follow through with the Promise you made to me in 1982 while on a Missions trip to Mexico. It was then I remembered while at a meeting with Bro Ashcraft in one of the villages I told the Lord, if you want me to be a Pastors wife or Missionaries wife I will! At that time I also surrendered to be a Teacher. I noticed within a few days I started to get better and things began to happen.

I tell you all this to say, God knows what he's doing with your life. He knows where you need to be and when. He knows who you are going to help. Gods will is 200% better than your will! I told the Lord if he wanted my husband to Pastor in Maine, with his help I would adjust to a culture, a way of life that is totally different from living as a city kid! Which I will say I'm 200% city kid. It was around that time that our current Pastor announced to the church that he would leaving and going into full time church planting for the state of Maine, and that he recommended my husband to be the Pastor.

So.... as some may know who read this. Last wk my husband candidate for the church then today 2/10 the church voted. He was voted as the next Pastor of Second Baptist Church of Palermo, ME. See once you say, Your will not mine, the Lord can do wonderful things through you and your family.

So friend if you are holding onto something, some place, some one that maybe the Lord is trying to say that phase of your life is done. Listen to Him, and he WILL show you His will.


Carolyn H. said...

Well said, Paula. Thank you, for sharing your heart. We are praying for Pastor and Mrs Bill Seavey and family.

May God bless y'all as you serve Him in Maine.

Our7isheaven said...

Thank you! We will need lots of prayer.
We love y'all too!