Thursday, February 14, 2013

Keepers at Home

Titus 2:3-5
The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things:
That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children.
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

The top picture here is our dining room table at this very moment clean wiped down ready for the next meal or to just sit around and talk. However what if if was covered with papers, clothes, coats, dirty dishes. trash.... It wouldn't be right. We are to be keepers at home keeping our home in order. This will teach our children to keep things done decently and in order as the Bible teaches.

After I took this picture I realized 2 things were not where they were suppose to be. Now most would look at this and say it's ok. However you have cups on the counter that should have been either in the cabinet or in the sink if not being used. There is also papers on the toaster oven. Now generally one would say this is clean and perfectly fine. I'll say yes, this does look ok but there's a hazard and by it being there the children are being shown you can lay anything anywhere. The paper on the oven is not safe. See little things that we do make a difference in our lives and we are to be the teachers of the younger. Someone is always watching and as the verse in Titus says, "keepers at home" If we as Christians make sure everything is in order in our lives, our homes, our families things would be much better for us.

See I've done a lot of thinking over the past few days, since my husband was voted in as the Pastor at our church. A Pastor is to have his home in order, his family in order.... don't you think as his wife I should make sure that things are in order?! See when it says his home in order doesn't mean he cleans the house, does the laundry, sweeps and mops the floor (although he may help it's NOT his responsibility). So as the wife and mother I'm to make sure of that after all who's the Keeper at home?

Ok the next picture I just took and today is laundry day so I'm waiting for bedding to dry and then this room will be in order again. Does this look orderly and neat done in a way that is pleasing?

I started not to use this picture but you know it's messy, it looks awful, unorganized. YUCK!! What if I left it like this ALL the time? Now the bed would have to be made but I mean the clothes on the foot of the bed, things falling off the bed. It wouldn't be right. I wouldn't be doing what the Bible teaches as far as being a Keeper at home.
Ladies, I know we are busy especially if you home school but there is NO excuse for a home to look like a pigs home. So, why not right now decided I'm going to be a keeper of my home. I'm going to get up earlier to make sure things are done right. Maybe decide that you'll not go on facebook till your home is clean. I mention that because I too am on facebook and it's easy to say I'll do that later. When really later you know won't happen.
So lets remember what our mothers taught us and what we should be teaching our children and be the Keeper at Home God intended us to be.

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