Wednesday, January 18, 2012

But they that wait upon the Lord....

Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they walk and not faint.

Do you wait on the Lord? Or are you impatient and not let the Lord work and do things in his timing.
If were to wait on the Lord we would have the strength that is needed to mount up as an eagle, or to the race and not become weary, or even walk without fainting.

Today I want to look at "wait upon the Lord" I will admit I am Horrible at waiting!! Whenever we are meeting someone I make sure they don't have to "wait" on me but then I find myself sitting there saying, "Where is _____ and saying they should know better than to make people wait!"

Do we do this to God? Over the past 17 days I've had to REALLY work hard at this "waiting" thing. My dear hubby who is a hard working man and who loves the Lord and hates to not be working is without work and things have been rough. However I'm learning to WAIT on the Lords timing. He has the right job out there for my dear husband, and he will provide our need according to his riches in glory.

As a wife and mom though I worry. I'm human and this is human nature to do so. But Since Jan 3, I'm learning to wait on the Lord! In so waiting on my Lord he has not only provided our need but he has allowed others to be a blessing to our family!

-A man who had NO idea that my husband had lost job calls us the day after he lost it an asked, "could your family use a deer?" Answer to prayer for our meats that week and yes basically for about a month!!

-Then during the time we are doing and going helping out some dear friends and especially a very dear lady in the minsitry I'm in at church lost her husband! On the day of his funeral when all our thoughts and doings were focused on her and being a help to that family. God provided more food, a gas card, meal cards for free food at a restruant.... We had put aside our own personal cares and left it at the Lords feet and were waiting on him, by serving another!

I honestly believe that if we as Christians would only wait on the Lord and put aside our own needs and cont to serve him through whatever course it may be, we'll find he'll give us the strength we need to run or walk.

My question to you, "Are you waiting on the Lord?"

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