Monday, January 16, 2012


Good Evening,
Well, this has been the most unusual first part of a year I ever remember having. Talk about depending on God and not letting ole Satan take control. My dear husband lost his job, my computer wasn't working, my daughter is recovering from gal-bladder surgery. Then a very dear friend is now a widow, raising her 7 and 10 yr old little girl alone!

I look at the "negatives" that have happened in the short 16 days of 2012 and I thought, "do I want to let this get me down or do I want to step up and Glorify God, do his work and be the best Christian I can be". It really didn't take long for me to make a final decision. I'm going to through Christ make the best of everything that has happened in the short 16 days of 2012 and not let Satan win!!!!

As I look go forward in this year I'm going to focus on the Bible, Prayer and serving God!
I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me!
Rejoice in the Lord
God is so good ALL the time!
But they that wait upon the Lord....
Can you, or will you, do these things? I know it won't always be easy one is because I'm human and so are you. But with the help our wonderful Saviour we CAN do ALL things through who?? CHRIST!!!

I pray that if you have had a rough start to your year that you to will decide to just glorify God and serve him with ALL your heart and soul!

Happy 2012 from my family to yours,
Bill III, Paula, Tabitha, Paul IV, Caleb, Samuel and Jason :)

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