Sunday, November 20, 2011

Marriage is a Commitment!

Read Ephesians 5:21-29 I realize I'm using the same passage each time, but this passage hits it right on the nail for our marriages.

If you are just coming in on this topic the 2 post before this will take you the beginning. I pray that if you are engaged, newly married or married for 20 yrs as my hubby and I are, that you will take a look at your relationship and make the changes needed.

11. Do not run with single people of either sex. You say, but I'm married there's nothing to worry about. Stop right there.... IT CAN BE DANGEROUS!!! A marriage will be ruined because one or both people of the marriage want the joys of marriage and the joys of their single life! You can't have both "worlds" when you say, "I Do" you have left the single world and entered the world of marriage. You say duh.... I know that! Well, then be ware hanging around with the old boyfriend/girlfriend is very UNHEALTHY!!!

12. Put your mate before your children. When you married it was you and your spouse. After the children come it's still you and your mate with the blessing of a child(ren). Once they grow up and move out it's again ONLY you and your spouse!
Keep this order in your marriage and you will go far
1. God
2. Your spouse
3. Your children

13. Put your mate before your parents. As a parent who has a daughter really close to marring age, I would hate for her to put me first. When she marries the one who is first in her life is God then her husband then her father and I.

14. Never criticize your in-laws. I have seen this in many marriages where the in-laws are criticized. Stop, Think and realize you wouldn't have your spouse if his/her parents hadn't of married and had her/him. They are just as special and important as your own parents!

15. Keep the mystique in your marriage. This is a series of lessons in itself. However we will touch a little here. Make sure that you keep that mystique in your marriage. As a married coupled we should still treat each other with reserve and formality. We need to keep the mystique in our marriage all the way through!!!

Remember marriage is commitment not an agreement!

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