Saturday, November 12, 2011

Are you a Teacher or just a voice?

Philippians 2:5 "Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus."

Do you have the mind of Christ when you teach your school class, your children at home, your Sunday School class? Or do you go life blindly not having the right kind of thoughts?

As a wife, mom and teacher my goal and prayer would be that Phil. 2:5 would be my thought.
Do I mess up? yes Do I go into my school days thinking as Christ would? Not always, because I am human. I was thinking back to this past wk. We were running late, things weren't going as they should for the day, as scheduled. We sat down and I just started teaching, Bible went ok, English was rough and I became very upset with my children. Not because I wasn't prepared but because I didn't go into school with the mind of Christ.

As we were about done with English I ask my boys. What did we forget today? They looked at each other an all said, "we didn't pray before starting and we didn't ask God to be in control of our school day." I've told you this because when we teach are we just a voice that the children hear as blah blah blah or do they hear what you are saying because you are in touch with the Lord and because you have said, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."

Here's a few tips to make sure your prepared for the class:
1. Read through your material
2. Write down ideas
3. Make notes of any items you need to purchase or have for class.
4. Plan ideas that will help your students.
5. Have helpers for your lessons.
6. Know your time limit.

This can applied to teaching your children home whether in school or just teaching them as toddlers, for a classroom in church or school.

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