Sunday, March 4, 2012

What will you do with the hard time?

Good afternoon, well today has been good thus far! We had 5 deaf in our adult Deaf class, one of which is a return visitor!!! We're excited about that, he brought his 2 children with him today :) Then church was awesome 16 saved and 7 Baptised with many decisions made and a couple joined our church.

The sermon however was the best!!! I wanted to share this with you seeing as to how so many are going through a tough time right now.  Read Ps 142
After you have read this, ask yourself what "cave" or hardship am I in? How will handle this? Will I allow God to work in my life and will I grow from this?

I wish everyone could of heard this sermon. I'll not try to type out all that he said, I started off taking notes but was so drawn by my Pastors preaching that I never even wrote down point one. We need to let the hard times, the dark times, the "caves" in our lives grow us. We need to let them mature us. We need to look to God and say, what am I to learn from this?

Our family has been through some rough times in the last 2 months, but through it God has allowed us to help other families. You ask, if you don't have a steady job and aren't able to go grocery shopping for your own, how do you help others? Well, when God provided for us, we took a tithe of that and helped someone else. That is how and you know when you aren't dwelling on self and how bad you have it, helping others is a GREAT joy!!!!

So Read PS 142 and ask yourself.... How can I change?

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