Sunday, April 3, 2011

Shipwrecks in Relationships

Good Afternoon! Wow, I started these lessons yesterday and this morning the sermon was perfect! Looking at yourself making sure your right with God and that you are rotten on the side putting on a front!! My, how that can be applied to our relationships!!! Don't put on a white wash appearance in relationships when in your heart and soul you're rotten! WOW!!!
we start todays lessons we're going to first list a few of the relationships that our lives are full of:
Church etc.

You may be very successful, but if your not careful Satan will sneak in and he could destroy your relationships. How will this happen? It happens because we don't direct our relationships to the course of the Bible. Just as a captain directs the course for his ship, so must we direct our course through Jesus Christ.

We established yesterday that we are the Captain on the ship. I like to look at it more as I'm the Co-captain and Jesus is my Captain. So whatever he says is what I do.

Relationships are the blending of 2, their hearts, lives, minds and goals maybe even dreams. Careful that you don't insist "my way". You can destroy a relationship by saying me, me, me. We also need to be considerate, compassionate and cooperate in the relationships we have.

This next little bit is from Mrs Corle's book, I loved the way she put it: "Someone jokingly said, It's no wonder husbands and wives have a tough time adjusting after the wedding. I mean, while you thought there were only 2 people who said, "I Do" there were actually 6!" You say what???? Well lets cont with what Mrs Corle wrote. "The person you thought you were, the person he thought you were, and the person you really were, pledging eternal love to the person you thought he was, the person he thought he was, and the person he really was." WOW!!! Did you ever look at it that way? I know I hadn't until I read her book and started working on this lesson.

When you have relationships you have more chances of problems, which in turn makes more chances for blessings. This why we need to Read our Bible, Study our Bible, Heed what the Bible says, and DO what the Bible says.

The next step to our relationship is Prayer!! We need to pray for ALL we have relationship with. In these relationships we need to protect the most vital one from Satan! Remember earlier I said, "Satan is out to destroy relationships and he wants to destroy your life." Be careful!!!

Pray without ceasing! this helps to ward off Satan. When both of you are close to God the better your relationships will be.
Proverbs 21:1 "The kings heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water; he turneth it withersoever he will." This could salvage a relationship from shipwreck. 

Be careful that your relationships aren't selfish. As humans we can have a tendency to look at a relationship as, My needs, My wants, My feelings and we don't want that in a relationship.

Seek God's desire in your relationships! They can create the biggest challenges sometimes the biggest hurts and disappointments. The closest relationships have love, rewards, also potential for pain. As you grow closer to a person you have more possibility for things to happen that are good and bad. Be careful not to shipwreck in these relationships.

Put away what YOU expect, but rather what the OTHER person wants! You'll be much happier and your relationships will be better.

There are a few hidden "undercurrents" that can send you spinning in a relationship that will put you on the rocks.

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