Saturday, January 29, 2011

Being the Help Meet you are meant to be. 4 of 24

*Live with Thanksgiving, forgiveness, and joy, and enjoy all your moments as if they were your last.

*Thanksgiving Produces Joy: Open your mouth and begin to thank God for his grace towards you. Thank him for every good thing that he has brought into your life. Thank him, thank him and thank him again. Joy is the result of a thankful heart. A thankful heart is the result of a person who decides to give thanks. So say,

"Thank you, God for...." Put in there whatever you are thankful for, salvation, your husband, your children, your friends, your family, ect.

Are you a jolly playmate? Did you know you have control over somethings. Such as: I Peter 3:7, ...heirs together of the grace of life... Will your husband have that? You as the wife really do have much more control than you know. Do you and your spouse have fun?

*Because I have known such love and closeness with a man, it makes my understanding of and appreciation for God much deeper.

Love can be fun :) Is your husband your playmate? Do you do things together? Ride bikes, go for walks, enjoy a show together, go out on dates? I have been married 19 yrs and I love to go and do things with my husband. I could say, he's my playmate! If you have this mind set you will be just that: *gift, a playmate, his helper.

*You learn that all of life is fun and needs to be shared with our best friend, playmate and lover.
*When a weak sister fulfills her divine purpose of being a true help meet, it brings great glory and joy to God.
*Being grateful and thankful is the key to spiritual victory.

Be sure you are in your Bible daily and praying daily not just so you have the right kind of walk with God but so that you can be, and learn to be the right kind of wife!
Don't worry about others think in any area: Why? It's really between you and God!!!
*Some people would say I am weak and foolish or extremely co-dependent. What people think is nothing compared to what God thinks.

SO: *The message to you is simple. From this day forth, starting right now - TODAY - be the woman who honors, obeys and loves Jesus, by HONORING YOUR HUSBAND!

*taken from Created to be his Help Meet.

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