Saturday, May 4, 2013

I can't OR I can?

Good afternoon :) Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ...."

How often do you hear, "I can't"? I tell you as a parent I've heard it many times. We'll I think it was about 4 yrs ago, my husband had heard "I can't" one to many times from one of our boys. Well that evening he called a family meeting and "I can't" became a curse word in our home along with shut up, idiot, dumb, stupid and many other words that through out the years of having children it was determined in our home that would be a curse word. If you were caught saying it you were disciplined just as if you had cursed.

So any way, back to the topic, of "I can't OR I can" as I go about shopping, or visiting even reading blogs and face book. I see the words I can't! Well my question to you is why can't you? What is stopping you? Don't you have a God that's big enough to make it an I can? Today, one of my children was asked to do something and the words I can't came out..... well true to his Dad's word he was disciplined. Then the question was why can't you do this particular thing? As in most cases there wasn't a reasonable answer. The I can't quickly became I can, Dad!

Going back to a week ago, my husband/Preacher came to me and said, "honey next week May 5, I will need you to play the piano for church." My natural response in my mind was, "What?! You know I can't play well!" Then as I sat quietly, he looked at me and said I know YOU CAN do this!! Well, my piano skills aren't that great but guess who's going to be sitting at the Piano at Second Baptist Church tomorrow morning?! You guessed it, ME! I have contacted everyone I can think of to ask questions, get suggestions, and yes basically to hear from others who had been in my position You CAN do this.

So Christians, in your walk with the Lord, when something is put before you what do you say? I Can't OR I Can? Did you know You Can read your Bible, you can pray daily, You can serve the Lord in many area's. Need an idea of an area you can serve in? How about choir, Sunday School Teacher, Nursery worker, bus worker, bus driver there's so many area's of service at church that all you need to do is ask your Preacher, where you could be of service. I'm sure that he'll have many things you can do. Or like in my situation, I learned to play the piano years ago, but just haven't used it probably just as long as I what I took lessons, but when my husband became Pastor I knew I should get to where I could play. I wasn't expecting it to be like this where both our piano players would be gone on the same Sunday, but you know what I can do this, with Christ help and I've practiced and worked hard. I believe that is what the Lord would want.

So next time your asked to do something that you are talented in or have a knowledge of, don't say, "I can't but Yes I can do my best!"

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