Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Are you clean or Dirty?

I Corinthians 3:9 - 10, 16 and Isaiah 3:8 - 9

The inner thoughts and desires will eventually come to the outside.
The best thing is getting your inner thoughts cleaned up!
What do I mean by this?
Do you have the right attitude? Are you an angry person? Do you hold bitterness in your heart? Do you have people you haven't forgiven? Are you discontent?
Read Prov 4:23 Have a guard around your heart!
Psalm 19:14 and Jeremiah 17:9

Heart Attitudes that we need to not have:
1. Anger - If you controlled your anger imagine what you do with your life.
How could you change your marriage, your home, your children?!
Anger can even destroy your health.

2. Bitter - Are you a bitter person. Do you hold bitterness against a family because they treated you wrongly? A sister? A grandma? An Uncle? you know who that person is.
If you are bitter you're also bitter with God! Hebrews 12:15

3. Unforgiving - You need to be able to forgive. Luke 6:38

4. Discontent - This isn't pleasing to God. Decided I'll be happy when  _______!
Phil. 2:13 God knows our life. Hebrews 13:5

5. Depression - Self Pity
Remember we are fearfully and wonderfully made we have no need for depression.
If you feel yourself slipping into this one, get out do something for another person!!!

3 Steps to prevent the above from happening.
1. Decided that you will guard your spirit and the spirit of those you're around.
2. Prepare, be ready - We need to "eat" Read our Bible! It will keep you healthy.
3. Ponder - Ponder on God's Word!

From the second you wake up, until the day you take your last breath you should be in fellowship with the Holy Spirit!! We are the temple of the Holy Ghost and we need to protect that fellowship with him.

I pray as you have read this that it will in some way touch your heart and that you will allow the Lord to show you what you as an individual needs to change in your life.

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