Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What's in your Closet?

WOW! That is such a broad topic. What's in your closet? Well, to step into my clothes closet you would see blouses, shoes, dresses, skirts, shoes, jackets, scarves, shoes, purses, shoes, maybe even if you look deep enough gifts for various people. Oh did I mention you would find shoes?! Heehee

If someone who wanted to view what I wear when not at church, or out in public I wouldn't be ashamed for them to view it. I have nothing to hide. What about when Jesus looks at your heart, soul or mind? Of course we all know that God knows ALL, but using the thought of hiding gifts in my clothes closet. What is in your life that you Don't want ANYONE to know about?

Is it: a TV program you watch, what you view on the Internet, maybe your thoughts, or how you really are in the privacy of your own home. Or can you say, "I've given my WHOLE Heart, Soul, and Life to the Lord" Can you say, "I have NOTHING to hide."

Friend just as I am willing to let anyone see my clothes closet, so should my life be to where I'm not afraid of anything being found out about me. Let me insert here, I'm not perfect but I do my best and through the help of the Lord to keep my life right.

Matthew 22:37   
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

Friend can you love the Lord with ALL thy heart, soul and mind if you are saying NO to giving up this or that? No you can't you have to serve either God or Satan. You can NOT serve 2 masters. So friend if you say, "I love the Lord, BUT....." Or Well, I love the Lord with all my heart and soul but he can't have my mind. What do you think that does to the Holy Spirit?

Deuteronomy 6:5   
And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

Not only are we told in the New Testament to Love the Lord with ALL, but also in the Old Testament we are told the same thing. See if the people of the Old Testament were told to do it, then so shouldn't we.

I was curious how many times in the Bible Heart, Mind and Soul were found, upon searching I found them to be listed  1,246 times in different instances.

I would say when the Lord wants us to do something concerning our heart, mind and soul that maybe we might should take heed and follow what he is saying. Personally if the Lord says it once I believe it should be heeded, but maybe some need a little more re-enforcement.

So is your closet clean? your heart? your soul? your mind?
What are you trying to hide in the corner of your heart?
What about your soul, are you trying to hide?
What thoughts that go through your mind, are you trying to hide?

Remember what's in your heart and mind eventually comes out of your mouth. Do you harbor, bitterness, hatred, fear, cursing, lying, cheating etc. Decide today that you are going to give it ALL to the Lord so that when someone/the Holy Spirit wants to see inside.  You can say, "come on in, anyone is welcome!"

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