Monday, September 23, 2013

Ye are the light of the World

Are you taking the torch, The Bible, to a sin sick world?

Matthew 5:14, "Ye are the light of the World."
How are you a light? Children? Teens? Young Person? Adult? Senior Citizen?

~Children you can be a light on the play ground, at recess, to your friends.
~Teens you can be a light in your school for Christ.
~Young Person you can be a light in college for your Lord.
~Adult you can be a light at your work for the Lord.
~Senior Citizen you can be a light to the younger by sharing your wisdom with them.

Are you a light through your behavior?
Are you a light through your testimony?
Are you a light through your dress?

These are just a few questions there's so many ways we can be a light to the world.
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Shine all over __________ (where you live) I'm gonna let it shine.
Shine all over __________ I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Don't let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Which are you? Shining your light for Jesus or Letting Satan put out your light.

We can take the Bible/Torch and show the world the way. How?
1. Soul winning
2. Living as Christian FULL time not just when it's convenient.
3. Dressing right.
4. When your with friends and something is wrong, speaking up and letting it be known you don't approve.
5. Walk the walk that you talk!

Did you know that your walk talks and your talk talks, BUT your walk talks louder than your talk talks?!

Friends you can be light to this world and we need more Christians to stand up and shine their light more than ever! If we don't who will?? I believe that our time here on earth is short, though I DO NOT know the day, or the hour. The Bible is being fulfilled and we as Christians NEED to do what is right which is being a light to a sin sick world and taking ole Satan by the horns and NOT allow him to have rule over us! God is our Strength, he through his word gives us Strength, wisdom, mercy, protects us from evil, gives us the zeal we need to be a witness for him.

Just a few thoughts on how we can be a light to the World.

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