Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Study to Shew thyself approved.....

II Timothy 2;15 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"

As we have started our new school year off I've challenged the boys to study harder, to learn more, and to be hard workman that needeth not to be ashamed. I've encouraged them to memorize more scripture this year. Our theme verse will be "Study to shew thyself approved unto God..."

 In these pictures of my children they are studying so that I approve of their work. Which they should do, but they should also be studying to please God. The first picture which is Samuel, he is diligently studying his History. Not his favorite but he knows to pass, he must study.

Next is Caleb he was taking a test, He studied though so he could take this test. Then the next one is Jason he's working on hard on his Math. He doesn't want to repeat this Pace :) May I say thus far none of the boys have come to the point we've had to repeat whole Paces. We might have needed to go back and review but they study and they work hard.

The next photo however may show that someone hasn't studied to shew himself approved unto God. Where does your Bible sit during the week? Left on the pew at church? In your car so you don't "forget" next time you go to church? On a book shelf, till time for church? Maybe on a coffee Table where it gets dusted off when company is coming, such as the Preacher.

   It sad that in today's world this is what we would and do see on many Bibles. America was founded on God and the Bible. Now today we can't pray in schools, we can't read our Bible in school, all because it might offend someone! The other day, I thought I would post some things on a page about Modesty. Oh my word the stink that it caused. I literally received a private message from a person telling me that what the Old testament taught on dress did NOT apply to us today! WHAT? 
Friend may I tell you, if it was for the Old Testament people it was for us now in 2013! The Lord wanted to people to pray then, he wants us to Pray now. The Lord wanted people to study the scriptures then, He wants us to study them now! The Lord wanted the women to dress like women then, He wants us, ladies, to dress like Ladies NOW! These are just a few things I'll mention but if it's in the Bible, it's God's word we are to head it and obey it! Part of being able to head and obey the Bible is by studying the Bible!
I'm studying now for a lesson to present not only to my ladies of our church but to other Pastors wives, and their ladies. Do I want to wait till the night before to prepare for it? No, I need and have started preparing for it already. Why? I want to study to shew myself approved unto God. I want God to have say in what I say.
So friend, pick up your Bible, turn Off the TV, the computer, or whatever is keeping you from studying to be approved of God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.
I saw a saying that went something like this:
If it prevents you from doing what God wants
Then don't do it!
This isn't exact but I have the main point, if what you are doing is keeping you from God, maybe just maybe you shouldn't be doing that. 1. you want grow in the Lord; 2. you are leaving opportunity for Satan to sneak in. Do we want these things to happen, no, none of us do. So stay in the Word, stay close to God and pray daily.

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