Monday, February 13, 2012

Merciful Monday

I did this a few yrs back each day had a different "theme" as I was going through my blog book I thought I would do this again.

If you'll read Matthew 5: 1 - 12 our key verse will be verse 7
"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.'
Merciful -
  • Showing or exercising mercy: "the will of a merciful God that all should be saved".
  • (of an event) Coming as a mercy; bringing someone relief from something unpleasant.

  • So do you show mercy to others as God has shown us mercy? 
    God is a merciful God and as Christians we are to show mercy for others.

    If you are a parent, lets say your child comes home from school and has done something dreadful. Now as the parent you are to discipline them, BUT you are to also show mercy. Don't discipline the child to where he feels he can Never do right again, but let him know. God loves you, I love you and I'm going to discipline you, but I want you to know that I believe in you and I'm going to be give you some mercy in ___________ and what ever it is. 

    One thing we do, something happens lets say on the Internet. We bring each child in and question them. Then we bring them together and say there will be mercy or there will be a price to pay. If the child admits to his/her wrong we are merciful in the discipline, but if no one owns up to it. No mercy is shown and all of them are disciplined. You say that is just wrong! No it's not it's showing them we won't tolerate that kind of behaviour. This process has worked more than once and mercy was shown in the type of discipline.

    So the thought for Merciful Monday is do you show others mercy?
    Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. 

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