Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bought with a price

I Corinthians 6:19-20 "What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

....bought with a price... We, you and I, are bought with a price and God paid that price by dying on the cross.
Did he have to do this? no, he could of called the angels to remove him from the cross.
Did he have to leave his home in glory? no, he could of stayed there and not suffered the terrible things he suffered here on earth for you and me.

So why do we not care for the Temple of the Holy Ghost?
Why do we not watch our weight?
Why do we eat and drink that, that we know is not good for us?
Why do we abuse our bodies?

The Bible clearly states that "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost...."
As Christians we are to care for our bodies.
Let me answer this with other questions...
*Would you destroy the house you live in? Of course not that is YOUR home. Same with the Holy Ghost our bodies are the "house" temple in which he dwells.

*Now your house can't gain weight, but don't you think that since our bodies are the Temple that we shouldn't let it become fat, sloppy, ugly looking? God made each of us in his image because of that we should be proud of the way we look. Not to where we become a "Look at me, I'm beautiful" type person, but where you walk with head held high, and proud that you are Christian and that your body is the Temple in which the Holy Spirit dwells.

*Would you bring bad things in to your home to feed your children? Of course not, so why would you feed yourself things that will destroy your body? Be careful what you eat and drink not only physically but that which could be harmful to spiritual life.
Be careful not quench the Holy Ghost, but listening to Rock music, reading dirty magazine, watch bad TV shows, speaking curse words. You should be feeding the Holy Ghost by listening to Godly music (not gospel rock, not contemporary music) by reading your Bible daily and praying. Feed the Holy Ghost not allowing your self to read, watch, or say that, that would be hurtful.

*Would you abuse your home, by throwing things to break the windows, or burn down your home. No we wouldn't cause that would put us without a place to live. Again going back to the point before we don't want to abuse our bodies with those things. We also don't want to abuse our bodies by drugs and alchol.

As Christians we need to always keep in mind that we are the Temple of the Holy Ghost. We need to make sure that we always "feed" the Holy Ghost. We shouldn't do anything that would quench or grieve him!!

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